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Save Hoylake Beach raised £4,696 from 137 supporters
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Closed 18/12/2023
Iʼve raised £4,696 to save Hoylake Beach. The money raised is to fund professional/legal and campaign costs in the fight to restore our amenity beach.
- Hoylake, Wirral, Merseyside
- Funded on Monday, 18th December 2023
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Since the establishment of Hoylake as a seaside town by the late Victorians Hoylake was renowned for its golden sands – a beautiful amenity beach for use by young and old alike and also used by a variety of wading birds, which were attracted by the mudflats and feeding grounds that Hoylake amenity beach and Meols Beach offered.
In the 1980’s, Hoylake Beach was granted the status of Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) by Natural England. With the support of Wirral Borough Council’s (WBC’s) beach management programme, this meant that man and nature co-existed in harmony and in line with the demands of being an SSSI. Regular raking of the beach ensured that Spartina grass, which is regularly found in coastal salt marshes, did not become the dominant force on the beach.
Wirral Borough Council ended the beach management programme in 2019 after it made the fateful decision to spray the whole beach with chemicals against the wishes of all in Hoylake. Spartina grass is rapidly taking over inhabiting Hoylake Beach, having an impact on both birdlife and human enjoyment of the beach. Today the beginnings of a salt marsh is evident for all to see. As is the rise of toxic plants such as hemlock. Our campaign seeks to reinstate the amenity beach for the benefit of all, from King's Gap Slipway to the new Lifeboat Station.
Hoylake Beach Community believe that there’s room on the beach to accommodate everyone’s needs! Red Rocks already has a nature reserve and the beach at Meols is used by the birds for which the SSSI status was given to in the first place predating what is happening now. Meols beach is now being affected by the dreadful state of Hoylake Beach with the spread of spartina grass there affecting the mudflats and feeding grounds the birds previously had access to.
Hoylake Beach Community are seeking funds to help us work to restore Hoylake Amenity Beach for both us and for future generations. These funds will cover campaign costs and any professional/legal fees and legal challenge and any subsequent Judical Review that may arise from this. We may require. Funds are also needed for the regular maintenance of the beach should we be successful in our campaign and also the promande where the green netting was put up by Hoylake Beach Community volunteers which has successfully reduced the volume of windblown sand settling on the prom and roads. and of course in people's back gardens. The netting is maintained throughout the year.
Any leftover donations at the end of the campaign and when all legal bills and costs are paid for will be donated to Hoylake RNLI
Our official campaign website can be found here
Thank You
- 9 months ago
Save Hoylake Beach
9 months agoThis fundraising page is now closed. Thank you to everyone for your kind support. The fight to save Hoylake Beach will continue
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- 1 year ago
Save Hoylake Beach
1 year agoQuick Update! Thank you to everyone who have donated and supported our campaign. HBC recently held a successful Open Day and visitors were able to get news of recent developments The legal challenge is ongoing, the discovery of the 1935 covenant and the Village Green application are all instrumental in the fight to save Hoylake Beach. All donations received will go towards legal costs for the legal challenge and any other legal action taken over Hoylake Beach. Thank You
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- 1 year ago
Save Hoylake Beach
1 year agoA legal challenge has recently been launched by a local resident who has engaged a solicitor and supported by a small local team in action against Wirral Borough Council regarding Hoylake Beach. It is important to emphasize that this is a legal challenge leading up to a Judicial Review. This is being done independently from HBC HBC will be supporting this legal challenge. Any donations received will go to supporting this significant development in the fight to restore Hoylake Beach.
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Save Hoylake Beach started crowdfunding
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Ian & Sheila Gunn
Nov 4, 2023
Thank you for all your help in trying to restore our beach - keep up the great work and holding WBC to account
Nov 3, 2023
Aug 9, 2023
Well done for standing up for common sense
Lynda Williams
Jun 14, 2023
I am so proud of all the folk in this group who are working hard for the Community and I look forward to having our Sandy Beach back, not sprayed with chemicals, just raked. People matter too.
Dec 1, 2022
Nov 1, 2022
Oct 1, 2022
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Save Hoylake Beach
Hoylake, Wirral, Merseyside
We are raising £10,000 to save Hoylake Beach. The money raised is to fund professional/legal and campaign costs in the fight to restore our amenity beach. Full details can be found in the description