We did it!
Barry Bolton raised £1,127 from 70 supporters
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Closed 03/12/2020
Iʼve raised £1,127 to Save Our Chookies
- Funded on Thursday, 3rd December 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
As if living in these Covid times wasn't difficult enough, life has dealt Sophie at Chookies Farm a cruel blow. One of her beloved birds has returned a 'non negative' result from a routine test. Despite the fact that this isn't a positive result, but a 'query',it means that Sophie entire flock will be destroyed tomorrow. The cruel irony is that the test results that will be delivered in 5 days time could, in fact, be negative!
Over the years Sophie has become an avian agony aunt, source of knowledge and thoroughly good egg, pun intended. If you can, please donate to this fund to help Sophie get back on her perch, should she feel she can continue after all this. Or as a gesture of thanks for all the free advice etc.
Stay strong Sophie🐔
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Barry Bolton started crowdfunding
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Anna Stampton
Nov 18, 2020
Hope you get back on your feet soon x
Nov 18, 2020
Sorry not much all the best Sophie were all behind you 💖
Nov 18, 2020
Keep going
Richard and Jane
Nov 8, 2020
Sophie, what a huge ordeal for you..but keep on going if you can for all of us
Jo Moore
Nov 6, 2020
Sophie I hope this helps. So sorry for what you have been put through. Stay strong
Lyn Rossi
Nov 6, 2020
Thinking of you daily. And also happy to donate birds and eggs if and when you're ready 😘
Nikki Casey
Nov 6, 2020
I'm so sorry for what has happened, this is absolutely heartbreaking
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