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Sarah Gregory raised £939.34 from 39 supporters
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Closed 08/05/2019
Iʼve raised £939 to help the Chepang people of Nepal
- Nepal
- Funded on Wednesday, 8th May 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Whilst being in Nepal I have had the privilege of meeting and working alongside the Chepang people of Chitwan, a remote group residing in the hills, fully dependent on the forest surrounding them. Most people rely on agriculture and small livestock to make a living, their assets being their strongest currency. The average family size is around 6-8 people all living in the same cramped room, we even met families of 12. Mothers had been as young as 14, with child marriage being the communities normality. The young Chepang women may have been the most inspiring people I had ever met. After a recent NGO intervention, child marriage has drastically decreased and women empowerment is on the rise. However, other areas are still in crisis; reaching the nearest health post, water source or even school can take up to 5 hours. My friends and I completed 7 hours of uphill trekking on our first day just to reach these communities. It has been an eye-opening experience and has made me truly appreciate the privileged lifestyle I have been able to enjoy.
This Christmas I'm asking my friends and family to spare some of their holiday budget on helping to raise money for the Chepang people. I'll be heading up with my team to start active-case finding for TB in the next coming months. Through my just-giving page, I'm hoping to bring up some new clothes, supplies for local schools and waterproofs for the upcoming monsoon season. Every little helps and all the money I raise will go straight to the Chepang communities of Chitwan. I'll post updates on here with what I have bought and how your money has helped.
If you would like to read a little more about the Chepang people then please follow these links:
- 6 years ago
Sarah Gregory
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- 6 years ago
Sarah Gregory
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- 6 years ago
Sarah Gregory
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Sarah Gregory started crowdfunding
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May 7, 2019
Fantastic effort Sarah. You’ve done so well.
Kieran Hardy
Apr 29, 2019
Olivia Goodall
Apr 29, 2019
Well done Sarah! xx
Mark Burnard
Apr 29, 2019
Keep up the good work, love from your family favourite x
Caris Dollard
Apr 29, 2019
So proud of u xxx
Apr 29, 2019
Love you and what you do xx
Anna May
Apr 29, 2019
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