Iʼve raised £1,395 to Closed down
- Manchester Uk
- Funded on Friday, 24th July 2020
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- 5 years ago
5 years agoPotatoe wedges and chilli con carne today.
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- 5 years ago
5 years agoChilli con carne made for Tuesday delivery x
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Nil started crowdfunding
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Amanda McQueen
Apr 9, 2020
Sarah, Carole told me what you are doing for your colleagues, what an amazingly devoted person you are. I hope my small donation helps in some way. Amanda x
Apr 5, 2020
Apr 3, 2020
Simply... THANKYOU!!! ♥️♥️
Apr 3, 2020
Steve Garvey
Apr 2, 2020
Amazing work Sarah , Well done to you and your merry band of little helpers - xx❤️
Becki and Poddy
Apr 2, 2020
You are fabulous lady doing a wonderful thing 😘😘 xxx
Rowena Cockerham
Apr 2, 2020
This is such a great thing to be doing Sarah. Good on you and your team. I'm sure you have well trained your sous chef by now too! Take care and thanks.
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