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sarah witham raised £375 from 13 supporters
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Closed 08/10/2017
Iʼve raised £375 to Help give Steve Witham the send off he deserves
- Funded on Sunday, 8th October 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
It is with heavy hearts that we organise the funeral of our loved father, grandfather, great grandfather and brother Stephen Witham.
Stephen was not a wealthy man although his life was full of riches in terms of his experiences, friends and family. As you are aware organising a funeral is a costly process and as a family we would like to provide Stephen with a send off fitting to the amount he was loved by friends and family alike.
Any donation is greatly appreciated by us all.
Updates appear here
sarah witham started crowdfunding
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David Hicks
Sep 18, 2017
Sep 10, 2017
Condolances on your loss
Beverley Digwood
Sep 9, 2017
Steve was a larger than life character and he will be sadly missed. John has spent the last week remembering the fun they had together. We are so sorry for your loss xx
Hughie fury
Sep 9, 2017
Sharon Brown Ne Baird
Sep 9, 2017
May he rest in peace re united with his daughter.
nicola birchley birchley
Sep 9, 2017
So sorry for your loss,Steve was one of those character's you could never forget & he had his crazy times.R.I.P Steve Xx.Thinking of you all.
Miss Anonymous
Sep 9, 2017
Who loves ya Stevie? I do.
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