We did it!
Sarah Digweed raised £870 from 28 supporters
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Closed 23/10/2017
Iʼve raised £870 to help the elderly people of east Garston who have been flooded out of their bungalows by raw sewage and have lost absolutely everything.
- East Garston, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 23rd October 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
The elderly people of east Garston have been flooded out of their bungalows by raw sewage. Some of these residents are in their 90's and have lost absolutely everything. Please help us raise some funds to replace the material things they have lost! Unfortunately we can not replace the sentimental things they have lost but if we can help with the practical stuff this would be great. Thanks for reading this and please give what ever you can!
- 8 years ago
Sarah Digweed
8 years agoThank you so much to everyone who has so kindly donated already. We have 9 days left to raise as much as we can so please dig deep, any donation great or small will help us help those affected. Thanks again for your continued support and kind words. Sarah
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- 8 years ago
Sarah Digweed
8 years agoHi All, just to give an update on the fundraising so far. With funds that have been donated externally from the Just Giving page and the Just Giving page we are nearing £800 so far. A bank account is being set up and the sort code and account number will be released asap. Due to cheques received the name of the account will be "East Garston Sewage Relief Appeal" Anybody wishing to donate away from the Just Giving you can write a cheque using the name above. Thank you all for your generous donations in just 72 hours Sarah xx Please feel free t
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- 8 years ago
Sarah Digweed
8 years agohttps://www.facebook.com/sarah.digweed/posts/10210502519739320
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Sarah Digweed started crowdfunding
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Karen Sperrey & James Pryer
Aug 14, 2017
Well done for starting a campaign to help those less fortunate than ourselves. We can't imagine the distress that this will have caused to those directly affected and their loved ones.
Claire Hill
Aug 8, 2017
Sue Tulloch
Jul 31, 2017
Judith Bunting
Jul 29, 2017
Sarah, Good work in starting this initiative. It is a horrible situationIf anyone else is reading this, please give a little if you can.Best,Judith
Jul 28, 2017
Well done all. Hope that June and Rose get back in their homes asap.Hopefully with more sharing and talking about this appeal you achieve your goal.
Kelly Hill
Jul 28, 2017
Linda K Berkeley
Jul 27, 2017
We have a small pine, rectangular table to donate if anyone could use it. For damaged photos - Snappy Snaps and others in Newbury do restoration, could they be asked to help?
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