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Sara Thomas-norman raised £570 from 22 supporters
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Closed 07/06/2018
Iʼve raised £570 to SOSW survivors Of Stroke Wales
- Funded on Thursday, 7th June 2018
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This year started out like i was living the perfect life spending christmas and new year in florida making memories with my children being fitter than i had been for many years going to the gym sometimes twice a day & enjoying Boxing then On march23rd of this year our lives were turned upside down when i suffered a severe stroke leaving my left side paralysed & for a few days i had no vision its not like when u brake your leg and you have to get it moving again with the brain being affected signals stop being sent from the affected area of the brain in hospital i learned to walk again and left hospital with a crutch and grab belt i joined a stroke groupand was introduced to another stroke suvivour Will Nedin who started a charity caled SOSW suvivours of stroke Wales he told me about a very specialised gym where they retrain the brain like rewiering but the fee was £40 per session Will told me he would give my details to one of the team at the gym and arrange an assesment so the assesment was arranged with David. Will told me that if David thinks theres potential to work with me that his charity would fund 10 sessions for me to be able to attend i was so pleased i cried with happiness of how kind Will was funding me to have this amazing rehibilitation..when i started i couldnt lift my arm by myself im on session 7 now and through hard work and determination from myself and my instructor Alec i can now lift my armhttps: last weekend a letter arrived from the charity to say they will be funding me another 10 sessions so i can continue my recovery being rehabilitated in the Arni gym https://youtu.be/Y1ZPMrUyUYQas they have been so amazing helping me i have decided to do a sponsored walk on boxing day from Verdies to mumbles pier and back at 11ami would like to raise the £800+ That the charity has given to me so i can hand it back for it to be used to help someone else may be in my pers stro £1 just think how amazing that would be and what a difference that could make to ppls lives with specialised training specialised equiptment is also needed please help me raise the money back and more so i can feel proud iv passing the funding back thank you for reading this please share ke i have 5000 freinds on Fb is every freind jus
- 7 years ago
Sara Thomas-norman
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Sara Thomas-norman started crowdfunding
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Julie Shepherd
Apr 17, 2018
You're amazing Sara, so pleased to be able to help a little :)
Apr 11, 2018
Donna Griffiths
Apr 10, 2018
Well done sara amazing achIvment 👏So glad ur getting better 😘
Apr 8, 2018
Thinking of our friend Richard Casagrande who is making a good recovery at the moment. Great cause
Rhian Davies
Apr 8, 2018
Sending love to you xx
Apr 7, 2018
christopher chudleigh
Apr 4, 2018
You go girl proud of you xxx just because I haven’t seen you in a while doesn’t mean I don’t think of you ?? When I get a spare minute I will call for a coffee xx well done take care c u soon xx
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