We did it!
Sapna Joshi raised £30 from 2 supporters
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Closed 01/05/2018
Iʼve raised £30 to Stonelaw High and Ikusasalethu High Partnership
- Funded on Tuesday, 1st May 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
In 2003 Stonelaw High School was given a £100 grant to start a Fairtrade enterprise and began by selling chocolate out of a filing cabinet! Their sales have now topped £200,000 and all the profits are sent to Ikusasalethu High School in KwaZulu Natal in South Africa. The money pays for school uniforms for pupils, many of whom are AIDS orphans, who otherwise would not be able to attend school.
Over the years visits have taken place between the schools with teachers and pupils from Stonelaw going to Ikusasalethu and teachers from Ikusasalethu coming to Stonelaw. In January 2018 a group of 2 teachers and 3 pupils from Stonelaw will be going to spend two weeks in South Africa, enabling pupils to learn more about the culture and needs of South African children, and develop their skills in citizenship and develop an appreciation and understanding of cultural values, identities and ideas.
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Sapna Joshi started crowdfunding
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Laura Foot
Feb 2, 2018
Good luck to you all! Have a great time 😊
Lisa Gallagher
Feb 2, 2018
Amazing initiative! Very proud x
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