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Ruth Warrener raised £4,085 from 119 supporters
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Closed 23/09/2021
Iʼve raised £4,085 to help fund a wheelchair 'The Genie'
- Funded on Thursday, 23rd September 2021
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I was diagnosed with MS in the early 90’s
At that time, each day of my life was full on: eventing, training horses and running a business with my partner, so when I felt tired I assumed it was because I was so busy! I had a spell of blindness in one eye, when the sight retuned, the other one went blind! I went to see my GP and he referred me to a neuro surgeon who arranged various scans and tests but it was only when the consultant gave me the results and confirmed that I had MS that it hit me how serious it was ... At which point it sounded like my partner was hyperventilating :-)
At this stage, because I felt fine and I was fine, I assumed it would always be like that! But when it was all too much for my partner and we split up and I had to leave Surrey, which had become home, and returned to Nottinghamshire to my family home. I made the most of it but I was a long way from all my friends and I could no longer ride or care for my beloved horses because I lost the use of my legs about 10+ years ago.
I just thought I was fed up. A routine visit from my GP ended with me being diagnosed with serious depression. Following this, a conversation with my sister reminded me of how I used to love swimming, despite hating the cold! But she said she took her small children to a hydrotherapy pool because it was warm.....Soon after, I discovered Portland College (A leading specialist college who work with disabled people) and its been such fun and the people are great to deal with. They were talking to me very positively which completely changed my mental state and I virtually weaned myself off my anti depressants. Before the lockdown I swam once a week and did two lots of physio each week. I have recently walked (assisted by a standing wheel chair) for the first time and did about 15 metres and the second week I walked about 25 metres which makes me so excited having not walked a step for over 10 years. I have been advised by the experts that a good distance to aim for would be 200 metres, so this is my goal!
I recently had a demonstration showing me a new chair 'The Genie', which stands me up so I can move around standing up or sitting down and even lying down! I will benefit massively if I have one of these as it will help my circulation, my voice and my breathing and amazingly my mobility. I need £15,150.00 to buy one, there is no funding available so I am challenging myself to achieve walking 200m and looking for sponsors to help raise these much needed funds? If you feel you could contribute even a small amount it would be amazing!
Ruth x
Ruth .x
- 4 years ago
Ruth Warrener
4 years agoJust thought I’d let you all know how I am getting on. I did my 90 metres in side and then we decided to walk outside but unfortunately only managed to do 35 metres , that’s because it’s all different terrain. So much harder. I really enjoyed it because it was a lovely day and it was great to be out on this lovely day 😊 I’m going to my happy place so let’s hope i can do even more 🙏😘
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- 4 years ago
Ruth Warrener
4 years agoI thought I would let you all know how I'm getting on especially after all my lovely comments thank you very much . Last Tuesday I beat my personal best by walking a phenomenal 70 meters whoop whoop , I was really tired on the way home and then very quickly I felt fine so I must be getting fitter.
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- 4 years ago
Ruth Warrener
4 years agoHi everybody Just to let you all know how I am getting on so far, I am lucky enough to go to my happy place twice a week [Portland college Mansfield] I achieved my personnel best walking last week. This week I did a lot of sit and standing to encourage my muscles to work and strengthen. Kirsty was sitting behind me on a cushion on the plinth to make sure my hips were kept straight with Peter in front of me in order to block my knees to get me into a standing position, oh golly gosh I slept well after that session. Ruth.
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Carol Baxter
Aug 2, 2021
Justine Rebello
Jul 30, 2021
Good luck on behalf of Shelley's 50th !
Will & Richard
Jul 14, 2021
Best of luck Ruth! Xx
Sophie Funnell
Jul 13, 2021
Louise Simkins
Jul 13, 2021
Go for it Ruth! Lx
Karen & Peter Ellis
Jul 13, 2021
Such determination Ruth, we’ll done, keep going ❤️ Xx
Paul Wolstenholme
Jul 13, 2021
Go girl!
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