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Ruth Kirby raised £150 from 12 supporters
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Closed 18/09/2018
Iʼve raised £150 to Please help our dog Holtz. She was stolen by puppy farmers as a breeding dog and needs urgent vet treatment to recover from her ordeal.
- Funded on Tuesday, 18th September 2018
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Please help our dog Holtz who was stolen and used by puppy farmers as a breeding dog.
She was missing for seven years and now needs urgent vet care as she has a tumour.
Our dog Holtz was stolen from our home seven years ago and we’ve found her again.
But she was used as a breeding dog in a puppy farm and needs urgent veterinary care.
She has a growth on her front leg that the vet fears is something sinister and may have problems with her pelvis after being bred from so many times.
We are so pleased to have her back but heartbroken that she has suffered and want to help her but the costs will be high.
If you can help we would be so grateful, every penny counts, we want her to be healthy and live out her days being loved and well cared for after her horrible ordeal.
- 7 years ago
Ruth Kirby
7 years agoThank you for all the support. Queenie has seen the vet and they said that the lump on her front leg is a ‘trauma tumour’. They want to wait until she’s fitter to be able to investigate it further, as they believe that any surgery now may be fatal. We will keep you posted! Thank you again x
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- 7 years ago
Ruth Kirby
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Ruth Kirby started crowdfunding
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Sep 1, 2018
Sorry it's not much but want to give something to help this poor girl after what she's been through. Is there an update on her health?
Bruno da Silva
Jun 26, 2018
To our best friends!! (Dog emoji :)
Jun 13, 2018
sandra brown
Jun 4, 2018
So sad she’s had to suffer so much but at least she’s home to spend the rest of her life being happy with people who love her. Good luck. Love Sandra and Murphy cat from Scotland x x
Rashidat Ajagbe
Jun 3, 2018
Hope she gets all the help she needs and glad u found her
Danielle Jenkins
Jun 3, 2018
Sorry it’s not much Ruth, hope she gets the treatment she needs & she gets to live out her golden years being spoilt rotten!
Hazel Adams
Jun 2, 2018
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