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Stephen Richmond raised £1,492 from 54 supporters


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Closed 06/09/2022

raised of £100,000 target by 54 supporters

    Iʼve raised £1,492 to help fund life saving treatment of an ex Royal Marine Commando who is one of my dearest friends - Justin Rogers

    Southport, Merseyside
    Funded on Tuesday, 6th September 2022

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    My name is Steve. I am 48 years old (you will see below why I have told you my age)

    In 2000, I met one of the nicest people you could wish to know, Justin Rogers. We became good mates almost immediately and over the years we grew a friendship that was like no other. People who didn't know me would often ask about "my brother" as we looked quite similar. He would say he was better looking. In jest, I would disagree but he bloody was! I am god-father to his children, he is god-father to 3 of my 5 children. His wife Maree is one of the nicest people you could wish to know too. They have 2 beautiful daughters, Olivia and Matilda. Justin and Maree are made for each other and are the best of friends and they need to keep it that way.

    Justin is the sort of person who would do anything for anyone. He often showed this trait to me. He would go over and above and take on any task. It was ALWAYS with a smile on his face.

    This was my wedding day and he pretty much looked like that all day.

    Justin was a Royal Marines Commando and signed up knowing he could give his life in defense of his country. Now I am appealing to you to help try and save his.

    Now, he is facing the most difficult fight of all and I am asking for your help.

    Justin has been diagnosed with colon cancer which has now progressed to metastatic liver cancer. He is currently undergoing chemotherapy with the NHS but he has been advised that this will have a seriously adverse effect on his liver. They will not be able to continue this treatment in the long term. By stopping the treatment this cancer will become terminal.

    There is a chink of light .... Justin's cancer can be treated with the use of two alternative therapies. However, these are not available for funding on the NHS.

    The two therapies are Immunotherapy and Gene Therapy. These two therapies can inhibit growth, target and destroy cancer cells. With this treatment, Justin can face the potential of a full recovery instead of what he is currently facing.

    These two treatments are incredibly expensive and they are facing a bill of almost £100000 so there is a desperate need to raise this money as soon as possible.

    Please help me raise the money needed to save this one of a kind man. The world will be a worse place without him and I am desperate to help him.

    Now the reason I mentioned my age ....

    Justin and I would often go out for a few drinks and on one particular occasion, he had the fantastic idea of going for a run. With me ... He made me run a couple of miles and then run up the stairs to their flat. 1 floor at a time, up and down. To the 14th floor (i think it was the 14th). He made me do it and I couldn't get past the 4th or 5th floor. I was close to being sick. He just carried on, up and down, past me laughing at my state.

    As I said earlier, Justin was a Royal Marines Commando. He was super fit and I was Steve, a Royal Marines Commando's mate. I was not fit. I was so unfit I am sure he would make me do these things to test my fitness.

    My Challenge

    I am going to undertake the Royal Marines Commando pre-joining fitness test (The PJFT+). At this stage I do not know where and when this will take place as my first session of fitness starts on Monday, 9 May 2022. Of course I need to get this done as fast as possible so that Justin can begin his alternative treatment urgently.

    The Test

    First is the run - 1.5 miles in under 12m 30s followed by a 5 minute rest and then another 1.5 miles in under 11m 15s. The run is followed by 20 x burpees, 30 sit-ups, 20 press ups and 1 minute plank - THREE TIMES. After completion of this part of the test, I will be required to complete 5 pull-ups. There is a swimming test which I will undertake too. I have to swim 150m in a pool using breaststroke and without touching the sides or floor. I have no time limit on this. Then I have to tread water for 2 minutes. I have to leave the pool without using the steps.

    The Goals for fundraising

    I am going to document my training by video which will be uploaded to my social media accounts so you can track my progress. It will be warts and all with my honest assessments of how I feel I have done and where I am in regards to passing that PJFT+

    These are my social media channels if you want to keep updated on my progress.



    Please support me on my journey as this will be the toughest challenge I have ever faced both physically and emotionally.

    For Justin, I love you brother and I am with you every step of the way



    • Stephen Richmond3 years ago
      Stephen Richmond

      Stephen Richmond

      3 years ago

      The page has been closed by JustGiving so I am going to open another one. I want to thank everyone for their support and donations and on behalf of Justin, Maree, Olivia and Matilda, thank you so very much xxx

      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Stephen Richmond3 years ago
      Stephen Richmond

      Stephen Richmond

      3 years ago

      I have just got back from my first run since the chest infection and it was a massive improvement. I knocked 1m56s off my last time and only stopped twice for 10 seconds. I probably didn't need to stop as it is a mental thing but still ... no coughing, no spluttering and no shortness of breath. On to the next run

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Stephen Richmond3 years ago
      Stephen Richmond

      Stephen Richmond

      3 years ago

      I have been laid low with a chest infection since 9 May and thankfully my antibiotics finish on 25 May so I will be back into getting into shape for my PJFT training to raise money for Justin's treatment. Thank you to everyone who has donated on this page and on Justin's page.

      Share this update to help us raise more

    3 years ago

    Stephen Richmond started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 9/9/2022 18.24



    • Anonymous


      Aug 20, 2022

    • Helen and Mike Hallmark

      Helen and Mike Hallmark

      Aug 20, 2022

      good luck with raising the funds Stephen x


    • Jack Cope

      Jack Cope

      Jun 30, 2022

      Good luck, you'll smash it!


    • Val & Keith Neville

      Val & Keith Neville

      Jun 14, 2022

      Wishing you all the very best in your efforts. 💪👊❤️💙


    • Southport Coasters running Club

      Southport Coasters running Club

      Jun 13, 2022

      good luck with raising the money.


    • Mick Rix

      Mick Rix

      Jun 12, 2022

      Good luck Stephen 👍 Keep fighting Justin be strong mate xxx


    • Les Hockton

      Les Hockton

      Jun 12, 2022

      Stay strong Justin xx


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    About Crowdfunding
    About the fundraiser
    Stephen Richmond

    Stephen Richmond

    Southport, Merseyside

    49 year old father of 5 and best friend to Royal Marine Rogers

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