We did it!
Royal Connaught raised £120 from 9 supporters
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Closed 15/09/2017
Iʼve raised £120 to help fund the garden project at the Connaught Care Home, Alderney.
- Alderney
- Funded on Friday, 15th September 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
One of our care staff, Adele Laughton has decided to overcome her fear of heights by jumping out of a perfectly servicable plane in order to raise money for the Connaught Garden Project.
The Connaught Garden is being developed in order to provide an enjoyable and safe outdoor space for our residents, with a number of different themed areas for them to enjoy as well as a working area with raised beds, fruit trees and a greenhouse so that some of our more horticulturally minded residents can benefit from gardening as an activity.
Please support our garden and Adele by sponsoring her skydive on 27th August 2017.
Updates appear here
Royal Connaught started crowdfunding
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Maureen Davies
Aug 3, 2017
Good luck Adele
Ann Pedersen
Jun 8, 2017
Wishing Sepha a Happy Birthday, and many happy hours spent in the garden at the Royal Connaught over the coming year. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!
Judy Bristow
May 29, 2017
What a lovely idea!With love to Sepha on her birthday - happy memories of sailing with her and David!
Erica Wright
May 28, 2017
Well done Adele. Hope you all enjoy the garden.
Ann Cranford-Smith
May 26, 2017
Good Luck and happy flight and landing.
Marcela Svobodova
May 20, 2017
Mano And Louise
May 18, 2017
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