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Peter McCabe raised £155 from 4 supporters


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Closed 01/07/2021

raised of £250 target by 4 supporters

    Iʼve raised £155 to write and publish a book about Roselawn Cemetery

    Funded on Thursday, 1st July 2021

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    After mediocre success with books about Belfast City Cemetery and then Dundonald Cemetery, and with a book called ‘2020’ (20 graves in each of 20 selected local cemeteries) in the pipeline, I decided to spend a fair chunk of lockdown writing another book about a Cemetery! The Cemetery this time is Roselawn. Until fairly recently, I had only a passing interest in Roselawn (with the exception of the grave of my much-missed maternal grandparents) due to the relative ‘newness’ of the Cemetery, only opening in 1954. My daily lockdown exercise, when Roselawn was open (obviously, although I've climbed a fence to get in/out of a cemetery before!), consisted of walking round EVERY! headstone in the cemetery, photographing headstones of interest and then looking in to the story behind each for the purposes of a book, and I've discovered that there are many fascinating headstones with, I think, associated fascinating stories.

    So, after wearing down the soles of my shoes, I've come up with ‘Roselawn 2021’, consisting of 20 themed trails, each trail detailing 21 headstones. The trails still awaiting sponsorship are:

    Marvellous Men, Football clubs, Military, World wars, Not from the parish, & Troubles victims

    As before, I'm asking victims - sorry, volunteers! - to donate £25 to sponsor a trail and, in return, each sponsor receives a signed (or unsigned if preferable!) copy of the book, and an invite to the (normally sold-out) launch event.

    Go on, sponsor me - you know you want to - if I can walk round EVERY headstone in the Cemetery, you can put a few pounds my way!? Thanks



    • Peter McCabe4 years ago
      Peter McCabe

      Peter McCabe

      4 years ago

      I'm getting there - at last! A first draft is now almost complete, so hopefully I'll be going to press in early 2021. Watch this space. Thanks and festive greetings

      Share this update to help us raise more

    5 years ago

    Peter McCabe started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 3/11/2021 18.29



    • Leslie


      Mar 11, 2021

      Hi Peter,thanks for stopping by for a chat with Kathryn & i in Dundonald today.Good luck with your future publications.


    • Gavin Bamford

      Gavin Bamford

      Dec 29, 2020

      For 'Titles' trail. Good luck with this project.


    • Andrew Wylie

      Andrew Wylie

      Aug 25, 2020

      Peter greetings from Northamptonshire. thanks for signing your Guide to Dundonald Cemetery for me and passing it to your David today, I look forward to reading it and your new project in due course.


    • John Costley

      John Costley

      Jul 24, 2020

      Another fascinating (tome, or is that tomb).Keep up the good work Peter.


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    Peter McCabe


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