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joanna heywood raised £810 from 10 supporters
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Closed 18/09/2018
Iʼve raised £810 to Robs Rugby: raising support for youth touch rugby in Eastern Cape South Africa in memory of Rob Wylde.
- Funded on Tuesday, 18th September 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Rugby season may be over in UK, but in South Africa it is just beginning. I know, as do those of you involved in youth team sports , how many community and social benefits there to being involved in team sports. My nephew Rob was involved in establishing Touch Rugby in some of the poorest communities . They have much enthusiasm and talent but lack basic support, such as transport to tournaments, decent team kits, even feeding teams on an away match needs resources. The local team is from Ebenezer School in Duncan Village . I have been there and seen for myself how hard ordinary life is. This school comes under the Buffalo City Municipality Touch Association. Just a little from you can make a big difference for them
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Bronwyn Canwell
May 29, 2018
Sue Clements-Jewery
May 29, 2018
Great idea, thanks for including me!
daniel Ash
May 29, 2018
Dan and I hope the project is a great success
May 25, 2018
My visits to South Africa have made me aware of how important such initiatives are and I hope Ingrid and Dave get the support they need to continue this in memory of Rob
Sheila and Trevor Spalding
May 24, 2018
It's a wonderful idea.
May 24, 2018
It sounds a great cause and close to Rob's passions; but still terribly sad.
Alan Watson
May 22, 2018
Hate the fact that you're using Facebook!
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