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Robina Mir raised £3,707 from 191 supporters
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Closed 01/09/2022
Iʼve raised £3,707 to Support 12 Charities
- Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
- Funded on Thursday, 1st September 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
I’ve pledged to raise money for 12 charities whilst I tackle some health issues I’ve been struggling with for a long time, so I'm giving up sugar for a year ☹
By raising money for my 12 charities, I hope to keep motivated and focused on helping others with financial support as well as my health. The money I raise over this period will be divided fairly between all the charities (unless you specify your donation is for a specific charity listed only).
I started this from 1st September 2021!
With my sweet tooth, baking habits and just a general love of food, those that know me, will recognise this isn’t easy for me at all.
So, now I’m looking for support from you and anyone else you can share this message with - I need help to raise £6000 - I raised £1000 last year and now want to try for another 5.
Apart from offering to donate some money to my 12 charities (listed below), there’s a bit more you can do!
Because I’m going to find this really difficult to keep going, I’m also looking for some ‘Sugar Free Buddies’ to join me each month. Can you go sugar free for a month with me? Pick any month, let me know when you’re ready and together we can support and encourage each other whenever you decide to join in.
Please help me to help others as I take this step for my own health benefits and for those we can financially help together too.
Thank you so much for just thinking about this. Now’s the time to either help with whatever donation you can afford, it will mean so much to me and these wonderful hardworking charities. Every donation (big or small) and every ‘sugar free buddy’ is welcome and appreciated.
Thank you, with best wishes from Robina Mir
1. Hhugs – Helping Households Under Great Stress
2. The RNLI – Lytham St Anne
3. Water Aid - via SKT Welfare (Pakistan)
4. PAFRAS – Positive Action for Refugees & Asylum Seekers (Leeds)
5. Orphan Support - via Orphans in Need
6. MAP – Medical Aid for Palestine
7. NZF – National Zakat Foundation
8. Leeds Baby Bank - Supporting local families in need.
9. One Nation - PALS (Prosthetic Artificial Limbs for Syria)
10. Yemen - Emergency Aid for Refugees via UNHCR UK
11. Sunshine and Smiles - Leeds Downs Syndrome Network.
12. Woodhouse Community Centre, Leeds - via Oblong
3 years ago
Robina Mir
3 years agoAlhumdolillah by today this page has raised £3,557. Alongside the amount raised last year and donated in cash and personal donations to me over this period I can confirm I have raised over £6000. I’ll be checking the figures and calculating what each charity will receive soon. If you’d like to see the breakdown please let me know, I’ll happily share this with anyone who wants to know and will publicise it too. You’ve all been amazingly supportive generous and kind. You’re in my duas. May your pockets forever overflow and never be empty.Ameen
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3 years ago
Robina Mir
3 years agoYou’re all forever in my duas ♥️ It’s been a long hard journey that granted me many health benefits as-well. Alhumdolillah for these outcomes. I’m ready to have a break from being sugar free but In Shaa Allah will try to sustain a better health through the many good habits I learnt along the way. Just not right now 🤪😂🤗
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3 years ago
Robina Mir
3 years agoReally grateful to all those who became sugar free buddies, donated once and more than once, kept me going, put cash in my hands and donated off page too. You wonderful people all know who you are and for all the anonymous donors on this page, I may not know your names but I know how much your kindness and generosity has meant to me and all the charities you support. For those who contributed their Zakat or sadaqah, May it be a reason for raising your ranks in Jannah and keep you amongst those whom Allah favours always. Ameen
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Robina Mir started crowdfunding
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Sep 1, 2022
Keep up the good work . Well done .
Sep 1, 2022
Sep 1, 2022
Aug 31, 2022
Aug 31, 2022
Aug 31, 2022
Aug 31, 2022
I pray Allah multiples your efforts to help all the charities you have collected for, and rewards you. X🥰♥️
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Robina Mir
Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
I began a sugar free journey from 1st September 2021. Could you support me for a month and share this page across your contacts so we can raise some money for my 12 charities? Every donation (big or small) and every ‘sugar free buddy’ is welcome😊