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Robin Foy raised £3,547 from 67 supporters
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Closed 25/10/2017
Iʼve raised £3,547 to purchase and refurbish an International Centre for Spiritual Scientific Research into Physical Mediumship and its public Demonstration
- Comarca de Antequera, Málaga, Spain
- Funded on Wednesday, 25th October 2017
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Robin and Sandra Foy were part of the Scole Experimental Group during the 1990's, that has now become Internationally famous for 'The Scole Experiment' which mainly took place in their home at the UK village of Scole. They helped pioneer a totally new way of producing Physical Psychic Phenomena that was energy-based instead of ectoplasm-based. The phenomena that was produced during that 5-year period has been hailed as being some of the best ever proof of post-mortem survival (life) after death. It was demonstrated to hundreds of members of the public, as well as a number of scientists both at Scole and abroad in California, USA; Ireland; the Netherlands; Germany; Switzerland and Spain. Both Robin and Sandra have 44 years' intensive involvement and vast practical experience in this specialist Field of Research, and now wish (with the help of a dedicated spirit team) to educate the public - and conduct serious international scientific research - into the development and further demonstration of physical psychic phenomena which includes absolute proof of an Afterlife.
To achieve this, it is vital to purchase and refurbish a specific property that is exactly right to accommodate our ambitious project for the good of mankind and love of Spirit.
Our vast and unique (to us - as members of the Scole Experimental Group) knowledge of the subject needs to be passed on to both the scientific world and to the public at large. Personally, we are retired people and wish simply to give to others some of the wonderful knowledge and practical experience we have ourselves gained over the last 44 years. This is to be a non-profit project, with absolutely no gain for either us or our family.
At the heart of this Project will be the resumption and continuing development - plus eventual demonstration - of experimental sessions similar to those we enjoyed in the 5 years of 'The Scole Experiment' during the 1990's.
- 7 years ago
Robin Foy
7 years agoAs our crowdfunding page on 'Justgiving' nears its time limit of 120 days, I am delighted to report that we have raised £3,347 towards our ambitious goal through this site. Thank you so much to ALL our wonderful donors who have helped us come this far! Particular thanks go to Alan Middleton - for your ongoing generous donations. We have already raised funds too in other ways - but we do need every penny we can get!! Please continue to give whatever you are able. One way or another, we WILL reach our goal and buy the Centre. Thanks for your help
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- 8 years ago
Robin Foy
8 years agoA special 'Good Morning' to all our supporters! Our total raised on this site is now £2,857! Thank you everybody and - in particular - Alan Middleton, for your generous donation! Could you please email me Alan, with your contact details and email address, as I wanted to have a chat, and am unable to get these from this 'justgiving' site. Lots of new ideas coming up to enhance our fund for the Centre. Every bit helps!! So please continue to donate and we will keep you all up to date. The picture is of popular Antequera hotel: 'La Finca Eslava'
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- 8 years ago
Robin Foy
8 years agoHi everyone! we are still moving forwards: Our total raised is now £2,757!! Thank you so much Kate Maesen for your kind donation. Please contact me direct Kate - on my email address scoleexperiment@yahoo.co.uk as I particularly wanted to get in touch with you. More events planned to raise further funds for the Centre include a demonstration of Psychic Art by Sandy Ingham in Spain on September 29th. Please continue to donate and support us!! The picture is an oil painting by Psychic artist Sandy Ingham, which is being auctioned for the funds:
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Robin Foy started crowdfunding
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Serenella Massacci
Oct 25, 2017
David C
Oct 24, 2017
wishing you well and looking forward to the opening
Alan Middleton
Oct 21, 2017
Robin,I know from the source connected avatar Dharma Sangha that there are 21 realms of existence and 28 levels of development. You were told that 7 was an important number.Both 21 & 28 divide by 7.
Mark Brooks
Oct 9, 2017
Listened to you via Skype at the Rhine presentation last week. Best wishes for success!
Jamie Stankosky
Oct 7, 2017
Hey Robin, I was at the Rhine Institute's Class in North Carolina today. Wanted to donate a little toward your endeavour!I am excited to see how your experiments and your Research Center TAKES OFF!
Alan Middleton
Oct 6, 2017
A little more help for you Robin.
Elizabeth Williams
Sep 18, 2017
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Robin Foy
Comarca de Antequera, Málaga, Spain
Robin and Sandra Foy are Psychic Researchers who have specialised in investigating Physical Mediumship and its Phenomena in depth for 44 years now. Their unique experiences qualify them to be recognised as 2 of the most knowledgeable people in the world on this specialist subject