We did it!
Robert Eley raised £2,950 from 98 supporters
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Closed 11/04/2018
Iʼve raised £2,950 to contribute to Ward 19 at Heartlands Hospital and Macmillan Cancer Support in loving memory of Catherine Eley.
- Solihull, UK
- Funded on Wednesday, 11th April 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
This page is set up in loving memory of the wonderful Catherine Eley who passed away aged 39 after battling cancer for several years. Catherine will always be an inspiration to so many the way she battled this horrible disease for so long but always with such a positive outlook on life.
The funeral for Catherine will be held on Friday 23rd March 2018. The family have requested that only flowers from them are desired. Due to this and the amount of messages recieved regarding donations this page has been set up so that people can donate to two designated charities.
Firstly Ward 19 at Heartlands Hospital who over the years have provided so much critical care and help to Catherine and vital support to the family. Secondly, Macmillan Cancer Support who also provided help and support to Catherine and family during the last few months of her life.
This page is setup for any generous donations. Any funds received will be split by Rob and sent to both charities.
Updates appear here
Robert Eley started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
EH Smith
Apr 11, 2018
Sending our thoughts and best wishes to you, from all of the staff at EH Smith x
Damian Rice
Apr 11, 2018
To be thinking of others at a time of grief is humbling. My thoughts and prayers go to Rob and the family. I hope the money raised will help those going through the fight.
Apr 10, 2018
Apr 10, 2018
For a top bird, Cath. It was great having you as a friend and sharing many laughs together and getting drunk on cocktails. Rest in peace x
alex & shell heeley
Apr 10, 2018
Paul Darlington
Apr 9, 2018
Great cause...
Karen Byron
Apr 8, 2018
Thoughts are with you x
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