We did it!
Connexin raised £4,630.44 from 34 supporters
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Closed 01/08/2018
Iʼve raised £4,630 to support Rizwan and his family during this exceptionally difficult time.
- Hull, UK
- Funded on Wednesday, 1st August 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Update - 16/04/2018
Evening all. Unfortunately, we have received the sad news from Rizwan that Nazish, his loving wife has passed away earlier this afternoon. We are tremendously devastated with the news and couldn't begin to imagine what Rizwan is going through right now. Our sincerest condolences go to Rizwan and the entire family.
Please continue to donate what you can, to support Rizwan and his family with the funeral costs.
Please keep Nazish in your prayers tonight.
Last week Rizwan's wife Nazish was admitted to Hull Royal Infirmary with what they thought was a chest infection. Unfortunately, she took a turn for the worst and ended up being intubated and admitted to ITU. She is currently still very unwell and being transferred to a specialist hospital to put her on an artificial lung machine to support her recovery.
If things couldn’t get any worse, Rizwan was also admitted to hospital with a similar chest infection but thankfully he is making a good recovery.
Rizwan and Nazish have 3 young boys who are currently being taken care of by others. We are raising these funds to support Rizwan, Nazish and their young family as they, god willing, make a recovery.

Updates appear here
Connexin started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Apr 26, 2018
Our thoughts are with you and all of your family. Love Charlotte, Belle & Molly xx
Max Wilson
Apr 25, 2018
Max Wilson
Apr 25, 2018
My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.
Apr 23, 2018
May Allah be with you.
Apr 20, 2018
Nigel Man
Apr 19, 2018
Love for you and your family. Get well soon
Tom Lyes
Apr 18, 2018
So sorry to hear this.
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