We did it!
Ripley Nursery School raised £485 from 39 supporters
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Closed 04/07/2019
Iʼve raised £485 to go towards Playground Refurbishment
- Ripley, Derbyshire
- Funded on Thursday, 4th July 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
"On the 6th of April 2019, a group of staff and governors from Ripley Nursery School are doing the 5k X-Runner Mud Run to raise as much money as they can to put towards the refurbishment of our well loved and well used outdoor playground. This is a huge task for them, running 5k is hard enough, let alone in mud with obstacles to encounter.......!!
Our children thrive by learning outside; a well resourced garden and playground give children rich opportunities to forge connections with the natural world, supporting physical and mental well-being in addition to developing care and compassion for nature in its many forms and guises. Our teachers understand that children need space and opportunity to work in the large scale with real materials and real challenges to problem solve (they really do like solving problems). They believe that the improvements we are fundraising for will spark excitement, imagination and motivation to learn.
Please, please, please can you donate? Ripley Nursery School needs help to raise monies towards the following:-
Climbing frame with double slide - tunnels and cosy areas situated underneath. This will be surrounded by a sensory bike track and pathway.
Interactive water area and large equipment in the sandpit - A dry cobbled stream and play surface with sluice gates and interactive channels with a child-friendly water pump next to our large sand pit. Within the sandpit we have planned in a crane system, bucket weight scales and a bucket and pulley.
A canopy and an elevated nature hide for large scale construction and collaboration – this will enable the children to work outside whatever the weather.
Finally the garden will be completed with the planting of shrubs and flowers to create habitats for insects.
Let's get raising some money. Come on Team, RUN RUN RUN!!”
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Ripley Nursery School started crowdfunding
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Sandra Fox
Apr 6, 2019
Apr 6, 2019
Well done!
Hayley Cowlishaw
Apr 6, 2019
Well done! 🌟
Kerry Gerrard
Apr 6, 2019
Apr 6, 2019
Hope you smashed it! 😘
Rosie Stone
Apr 6, 2019
Good luck, it will be worth it in the end xx Rosie
Apr 5, 2019
Good luck Helen 😘
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