We did it!
Thomas Ward raised £8,943.42 from 95 supporters
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Closed 11/07/2019
Iʼve raised £8,943 to fund the education of a Child in Zanzibar and provide teaching equipment in the local schools
- London, UK
- Funded on Thursday, 11th July 2019
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Whilst on holiday in Zanzibar I was lucky enough to stumble across Paje Village and the wonderful people living there. In the middle of exploring the village I met nine-year old Othman. We played football for half an hour and communicated through our limited knowledge of each other's languages. I eventually got to meet his mother who welcomed me into their home. I visited his school and was sad to see the dilapidated swing set and classroom chairs. The headmaster complained about their lack of textbooks and I became keen to help.
The aim of the project that Ferdie and I have started is twofold. Firstly, given the strong connection that Othman and I created, I am keen to raise money to sponsor him to go to a school where he can excel academically and hopefully evolve his impressive football skills too! However, I now have forged a relationship with Paje school too and to this end Ferdie and I would like to be able to raise funds in order to improve the facilities at the school. They have access to one ancient laptop and very little teaching equipment. The two of us are travelling back in October to help teach English and we would like to bring some equipment for both Paje school and the South East Coast International school where thanks to your kind donations Othman should hopefully start school once we have visited.
If you would prefer, I am also raising money by selling photographic prints and postcards where 100% of the money will go towards Othman's school fees and equipment for both schools. Here is the link - Reve Zanzibar
- 6 years ago
Thomas Ward
6 years agoOthman is just about to finish his first day at school. Thank you all for helping make this happen.
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- 6 years ago
Thomas Ward
6 years agoOthman and his mum Zena visiting his new school!
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- 6 years ago
Thomas Ward
6 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Thomas Ward started crowdfunding
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Caroline Waldegrave
Jun 18, 2019
Eagle House School, Sandhurst, Berkshire
Mar 28, 2019
Heart-warming support for a wonderful cause. We wish you all the best in your endeavour.
The Azagras
Dec 1, 2018
Well done Thomas! This is such an amazing thing to do!
rag & bone
Nov 30, 2018
Great cause. Thanks for letting us be part of the fundraising.
Rachel Urquhart
Nov 22, 2018
Heard about what you’re doing from Dilly - absolutely fantastic.
Christopher Bell
Nov 22, 2018
Thomas - all the best of luck with a great cause! Chris, Jane , Jack & Harry Bell
Grania & Antony Bryceson
Nov 20, 2018
A great cause - well done! Grania & Antony Bryceson
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Thomas Ward
London, UK
I've just started the sixth form at school. I would appreciate all the support I can get for my recent project.