We did it!
Mark Woolley raised £1,665 from 43 supporters
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Closed 02/08/2020
Iʼve raised £1,665 to assist the NHS with the great many requirements they have at present
- Funded on Sunday, 2nd August 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
We have decided to add to the Clap for the NHS campaign which takes place each Thursday evening at 20:00 by creating a ‘Rev-Up for the NHS’.
We are all missing using our cars at the moment so in aid of making as much noise as possible to express our appreciation, we want to encourage you to fire up your cars at the same time, bit for no longer then one minute and allow your car to do the expressing...
However, we want to make it more meaningful than just making a noise, so have setup a donations page here
We are asking you to please donate a voluntary amount to take part in this and all proceeds will be given to the NHS to assist them in procuring the vital PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) desperately need to carry out their work in safety.
Also a great many hospital patients are running out of vital necessities such as toiletries because their families are unable to visit them in the Covid-19 wards and we aim to donate some of the money to relieving this pressure too.
We have set up a Facebook page and would encourage you to film your ‘Rev-up’ on your mobile phone and share it to the page - Rev-Up for the NHS.
We will also be trying to get some well-known faces from motorsport to take part and if you would like to express your thanks with a very short message at the beginning of end of the start up please feel free to do so.
At some point all of us who use our cars may rely on the NHS, Air Ambulance and Ambulance services. So if you own a car that makes a noise, a racing car, a rally car, a Grand Prix car, an historic car, a sports car, please join us to have a little bit of fun and show a lot of appreciation and raise some money for some much needed relief.
Remember to stick to all the social distancing guidelines which means you should not have more than two people to start the car for those requiring a crew to get it going. Also, if you are going to start your car at 20:00 on Thursday evenings please give consideration to ensure any neighbours are not inconvenienced or cause disruption that would last for longer than one minute. You are also free to pre-record your rev-up and post it on our Facebook page.
Updates appear here
Mark Woolley started crowdfunding
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Ian and Anne-Marie
May 16, 2020
In recognition of the massive contribution from all those involved with NHS - thank you!
Apr 30, 2020
Just heard the Dixon 6 on Riley Radio
Richard & Helen
Apr 30, 2020
Congratulations Karin, Duncan & gang. For the big rev up!!
ray warland
Apr 25, 2020
thanks for all the love forever
Apr 25, 2020
Great idea. keep it going.
Tim Giddens
Apr 24, 2020
Keep up the good work. 2 grandchildren on the way, so it really is important!
Apr 23, 2020
YFO478Great idea, some great cars on here and can’t wait to get the vehicles back onto the road and track.
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