We did it!
Oaky Boys raised £10,000 from 53 supporters
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Closed 30/08/2019
Iʼve raised £10,000 to help Matt Reed after he has just received the devastating news and been diagnosed with Bowel and Liver Cancer.
- Brighton, East Sussex
- Funded on Friday, 30th August 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our close mate ‘Reedy’ has just been diagnosed with bowel and liver cancer. He’s only 38 years old and one of the nicest blokes you could ever meet.
This has come as a huge and devastating shock to Matt, his family and friends. There’s not much one can do in this situation but we are all hoping and praying.
Apart from being there for him whenever he wants us, the only real way we can help at this time is to try and take some of life’s worries away so he and his lovely family can concentrate on the more important things.
A group of Matt’s friends suggested raising some money to help make things a little easier during this difficult time. If some extra funds can help ease any financial burdens or pay for Matt and Ali to get away from it all then we would all love to help. It’s the least we can do for a top bloke who we know is loved and respected by so many.
Matt and Ali were not aware of this justgiving page but we know they will be overwhelmed and grateful.
Please give whatever you can and thank you all for helping this cause.
We love you ‘Reedy’ and are by your side every step of the way. Keep strong!
- 6 years ago
Oaky Boys
6 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 6 years ago
Oaky Boys
6 years agoThe Oakhampton (Oaky) boys would just like to say huge thanks to all the kind donations we have received so far for Matt and his family. From various golf days, friends, family and people that have never even spoke to Matt have kindly donated. This is a testament to the amazing guy Matt was. Some may not know but sadly Matt passed away on Thursday 23rd of May. We will continue to raise money to try and reach our target of 10G to honour Matt and help his family. Many thanks again.
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Jul 19, 2019
HPS Customers, staff and suppliers at East Sussex National golf day xxx
HPS staff customers and suppliers at Tudor park.
Jun 14, 2019
Still swinging for you Matty
HPS Tudor Park Golf Day customers and staff
Jun 14, 2019
Gone but never forgotten
Graham Greenaway
Jun 6, 2019
Jun 3, 2019
Forever Capo X
Jessica Fancy
May 28, 2019
With so much love, Jess, Brett, Will and Isabel
May 25, 2019
Thank you Shane for making us aware of one of your Oaky boys being unwell. If everyone donated just a small amount the target would soon be reached.Thinking of you and your family Matt. X
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