We did it!
Phil Brennan raised £1,152 from 37 supporters
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Closed 15/07/2020
Iʼve raised £1,152 to The money raised will help pay towards the running costs of the gym while we in forced closure due to Covid-19. Help us stay open
- Funded on Wednesday, 15th July 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Rectory ABC has always been there for its members, never asking for big membership fee's and always providing equipment, help and support (including financial) to those who need it.
We are now asking our members for support at a time which leaves us with our doors closed through no fault of our own, and for the first time since we opened in January 2007. We are asking that those that can afford it donate to the club that has hopefully given you so much to help us pay our running costs, and ensure we are still able to provide the community with the same service we always have when we once again open our doors. Thanks in advance.
"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller.
Updates appear here
Phil Brennan started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Jul 9, 2020
All the best
Ed Bicknell
Jun 30, 2020
Let's hope gyms get the go-ahead to reopen soon and the club continues to provide the excellent training by Phil and the other coaches.
Sean Brennan
Jun 8, 2020
Niki broadmore
Jun 7, 2020
Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!! Billy and Brody !!🥊🥊
May 26, 2020
Every little helps bud
May 26, 2020
Boys can’t wait to get back 🥊🥊
John Dardis
May 26, 2020
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
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Create you own page and donʼt let that cause go unfunded!
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