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Andy Smith raised £100 from 6 supporters
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Closed 28/04/2017
Iʼve raised £100 to Help fund the Randlay Colts girls U10's football team. This is their first season and one of the first girls teams in Randlays 30yr history.
- Funded on Friday, 28th April 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
I'm wanting to raise funds to help the Under 10's complete their season and ensure longetivity. This team is a tight nit team, they all get along and love to play week in week out. There is not much available to girls in football and to lose Randlay would be a massive blow and would probably force the girls away from football.
When my daughter Lillie became interested she joined her first team with excitement. Her excitement diminished a little when she realised she was the only girl on the team and she was faced with the prospect of continuing as the only girl and never playing against another.
Lillies coach sent us the details of Delwyn, he had started the girls teams at Randlay, there is currently three teams. The under 8's, U10's and U12's. The first girls teams in Randlay Colts 30 year history. All three teams are doing fantastically well in their leagues and going from strength to strength.
Please help with whatever you can and keeps these girls doing what they love most.
Thank you.
Updates appear here
- 8 years ago
Andy Smith
8 years agoWell the page has closed and I just want to say thank you to everyone that has helped. This £100 will help the girls under 10's massively. Thank you
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Abigail Sercombe
Apr 1, 2017
Good Luck Randley ColtsLove Chloe's Auntie x
Kevin Smith
Mar 21, 2017
A worthy cause. Hope this helps
Lyssa Emery
Mar 15, 2017
For Lillie..... xxSorry it's not much.
Martyn Buckland
Mar 11, 2017
Good luck Andy. From.Olivia's Grandad and Grandma
Fiona Mayhew
Mar 9, 2017
Keira enjoys playing for Randlay Colt girls U10's. Great team spirit and team management x
Andy Smith
Mar 8, 2017
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