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Almas Hassan raised £3,385 from 40 supporters
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Closed 22/06/2024
Iʼve raised £3,385 to provide Iftar and food packs to homeless and poor families in the deprived areas of Pakistan during Ramadhan
- Pakistan
- Funded on Saturday, 22nd June 2024
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Every year APPSUKF provide Ramadan Rashan packs to hundreds of families mainly widows, orphans and homeless (juggian). Last year we were able to provide food packs to more than 500 families in the northwest as well as daily iftars to the homeless in Pakistan with your donations. This year again we are raising funds to provide the Ramadan Ration packs and aim to reach more families as the food crisis has reached new heights.
These past few months have been particularly challenging knowing there is so much suffering going on in the world with no way for us to help, but we should at least do what we can for our families in Pakistan. Countless families are still suffering from crisis, instability & extreme poverty. An estimated 60% of the Pakistani population does not have access to a constant food supply leaving many to wonder where their next meal is going to come from. Food prices have gone up intensely as well as energy bills due to current political instability. Many low paid workers who were already struggling, have lost their livelihoods and have no means to feed their family and children. As Muslims we have a duty to help our brothers and sisters to ensure that no child goes to sleep hungry.
Each food pack costs £30 which is enough to feed a family of 4-5 for a month. This pack consists of:
Flour 15 kg
Rice 3 kg
Cooking oil 3 L
Ghee 2 L
Sugar 3 kg
Loose tea 1kg
3 different types of daal 3 kg
Chickpeas 1kg
Mixed spices 1kg
Gram flour 2 kg
Dates 1kg
Rooh Afzah 1 bottle
Our Prophet (SAW) said "protect your wealth by giving zakat, treat your illness by giving sadqah and prepare for calamity in advance by engaging in dua"
"And whoever alleviates a calamity from a Muslim, Allah swat will alleviate from a calamity from the calamities on the day of judgement." (Sahih Muslim)
We provide food rations to the poorest from your zakat, sadqah, kaffarah and fidya contributions. I would like to request the same this year. Insha'Allah. no amount is too small, even £1 will feed 2 meals, but the amount of duas you will receive are infinite.
APPSUKF have a 100% donation policy so you know every penny you dontate goes directly towards the food packs. All logistics and transport costs are covered by ourselves or our hardworking dedicated volunteers.
if you wish to pay via bank transfer:
Account number: 37297457
Sort Code: 60-20-21
Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any queries
JazakAllah Khairun

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Almas Hassan started crowdfunding
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Apr 6, 2024
Apr 6, 2024
For Ramadan rations please JZK
Apr 5, 2024
Apr 5, 2024
Apr 3, 2024
Apr 1, 2024
Mar 28, 2024
May Allah swt bless you all for your good deeds and accept your efforts and duas
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