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Closed 31/12/2019
Iʼve raised £0 to ensure Rainbo Initiative continues to provide free medical and psycho-social support to survivors of gender-based violence in Sierra Leone.
- Freetown, Sierra Leone
- Closed on Tuesday, 31st December 2019
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The Rainbo Initative (RI) is a well-established national NGO in Sierra Leone and has been working since 2003. RI were the first, and still are the only provider of free medical and psycho-social services for survivors of Gender Based-Violence (GBV) in Sierra Leone.
To date we have helped more than 30,000 women and girls, 93% of whom are below the age of 17 and 24% below the age of 11. However, we would like to help more. As a small national NGO, we have very limited funds and are constantly looking for new funding and partnership opportunities.
RI has four main parts to the work we do to end gender-based violence in Sierra Leone:
1. Rainbo Centres
We currently have five Rainbo Centres, situated in government hospitals in Freetown, Kenema, Kono, Bo and Makeni. The Centres are open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm. At the Rainbo Centres we provide:
* Clinical care and medical treatment for rape and sexual assault
*Counselling and psycho-social support
*Legal support and access to justice
*Referrals to other services e.g. Don Bosco and Aberdeen Women’s Centre
*Additional care including dignity kits, refunds of transport fees, food
*Follow up session 2 weeks after first visit
2. Outreach
Our Outreach programme started in August 2017 and focuses on engaging communities to prevent GBV. The Outreach work is conducted all over the community in schools, churches, mosques, PHU, health Centres, market squares, community sub groups like women and youth groups. Outreach work targets local leaders and local structures to get the GBV message across.
3. GBV Data
Every day we collect GBV data and add it to our extensive database, where we can track yearly and district trends in GBV cases. Many donors often ask us for this information.
4. GBV Awareness Raising
RI advocates for free health care for GBV survivors in all public hospitals and promotes women’s interests to decision-makers, donors and the private sector. We are part of many groups including National Committee of GBV (Nac-GBV), Community of Practice (COP) and the Adolescent Girls Network.
100% of the money donated on this page will be given to Rainbo Initiative.
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