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Closed 28/02/2019

raised of £2,000 target by 0 supporters

    Iʼve raised £0 to The Royal Air Force Police Welfare Fund

    Honington, United Kingdom
    Closed on Thursday, 28th February 2019

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    Purpose. The Royal Air Force Police Welfare Fund (RAFP WF) exists to provide financial assistance to RAF Police (RAFP) men and women (of all ranks), their former colleagues and the immediate families of such individuals. Loans, grants and donations may be authorised for the purpose of improving RAFP welfare amenities, the purchase of articles or equipment or the running of non-profit making ventures that contribute directly to the morale of the RAFP. Furthermore the RAFP WF exists to provide some assistance to qualifying persons in times of bereavement, illness, disability or financial hardship.

    Funding. The RAFP WF requires income in the form of donations to sustain payments. Traditionally, the greatest source of donations to the Fund has come from individual fundraising activity or sponsored events. RAFP clubs are strongly encouraged to include within their own constitutions an annual contribution to the RAFP WF based upon a percentage of profits. Furthermore, those who manage the various RAFP profit making ventures are requested to consider a contribution to the RAFP WF (eg Provost Parade Shop, PRI sales).



    RAFP 100

    Updates appear here

      8 years ago

      RAFP 100 started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 9/25/2017 20.01



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        About Crowdfunding
        About the fundraiser
        RAFP 100

        RAFP 100

        Honington, United Kingdom

        Purpose. The Royal Air Force Police Welfare Fund (RAFP WF) exists to provide financial assistance to RAF Police (RAFP) men and women (of all ranks), their former colleagues and the immediate families of such individuals. Loans, grants and donations may be authorised for the purpo

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