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Rachel Wilkinson raised £2,948 from 168 supporters


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Closed 10/06/2018

raised of £730 target by 168 supporters

    Iʼve raised £2,948 to help contribute to the work Dignity in Dying do for our country. I believe in choice and this includes how and when we die

    Amesbury, United Kingdom
    Funded on Sunday, 10th June 2018

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    I was 28 when my husband David left for Afghanistan but he told me he had already thought of what he would do for my 30th birthday as it was such a milestone for someone with my health difficulties to get to. After his death I refused to acknowledge my birthday in any way, what was there to celebrate but as im nearing 40 I can sense his disapproval so I decided this year I had to do something for him. Ive always wanted to climb mount Kilimanjaro but apparently you have to be able to walk and breathe to do that, next I thought about walking the sahara desert, same thing applies so I thought long and hard and came up with a head shave! So on the 6th April thats what I will be doing.

    Ive decided to raise money to help the work Dignity in Dying do, to challenge the legal system and highlight the great shame our country put our dying friends through.

    I recently became a member of Dignitas, I have done this for peace of mind but feel angry at having to do so, I want to die in my country, with my friends around me, when I want. If I can contribute in any small way to make that happen thats the best birthday gift I can ask for xx



    • Rachel Wilkinson7 years ago
      Rachel Wilkinson

      Rachel Wilkinson

      7 years ago

      Wow I never imagined reaching 45% of target in 8 days. Thank you so much to both friends and people who have donated because they believe in the right to die with dignity. It's been lovely to hear from so many of you and I'm so grateful for your support. Please can I ask you to share my page to help me reach the full target amount. My heartfelt thanks to you all xxx

      Share this update to help us raise more

    7 years ago

    Rachel Wilkinson started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 6/4/2018 21.42



    • Gemma Milligan

      Gemma Milligan

      Jun 4, 2018

      Hi darling, been meaning to come up with the £10 from my aunt Janine Blackwell... I'll donate it this way as life's hectic. Ur always in my thoughts tho x x❤️2u and Daisy x x


    • Rachel Wilkinson

      Rachel Wilkinson

      Apr 22, 2018

      From my aunt Jen


    • Rachel Wilkinson

      Rachel Wilkinson

      Apr 11, 2018

      From Zoe


    • Rachel Wilkinson

      Rachel Wilkinson

      Apr 10, 2018

      From the lovely Roger


    • Claire Batt

      Claire Batt

      Apr 10, 2018

      You are one very brave lady. Well done for the head shave xxxLots of Love


    • Rachel Wilkinson

      Rachel Wilkinson

      Apr 9, 2018

      From Nikki


    • Rachel Wilkinson

      Rachel Wilkinson

      Apr 9, 2018

      From Anthea


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    Rachel Wilkinson

    Rachel Wilkinson

    Amesbury, United Kingdom

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