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Rachel Davies raised £3,843 from 101 supporters
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Closed 23/08/2022
Iʼve raised £3,843 to Help Chelsea and her boys after a house fire
- Funded on Tuesday, 23rd August 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Chelsea had a house fire in the early hours of the morning. She and her young boys were extremly lucky to make it out alive and well. Their 3 dogs unfortunatley didn't and as you can imagine this has left them heartbroken. The house has been completely ruined, the whole of the downstairs has been destroyed by the fire and upstairs with extensive smoke damage. Please donate if you can, they need to replace literally everything they own :(
- 3 years ago
Rachel Davies
3 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 3 years ago
Rachel Davies
3 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 3 years ago
Rachel Davies
3 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Rachel Davies started crowdfunding
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Catherine -Kate’s Cousin
Jun 6, 2022
Hi Chelsea, Kate told me the terrible news, so glad you and the boys are safe. Good to see such love and support online to ease getting your life back on track. take care, Catherine and Alex xx
Bedford Hall Primary School
May 20, 2022
Staff collection - your courage in the aftermath is inspiring. Keep going x x
May 18, 2022
So sorry about your fur babies 😔 so glad you and the boys got out....keep strong..keep going...💖
Helsby Street Medical Centre Staff
May 12, 2022
Julie Cotterell and family
May 10, 2022
May 2, 2022
I'm praying you all find peace xx
the Stewart family in Gibraltar
May 2, 2022
we are here if you need us
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