We did it!
Warren Ringham raised £8,186 from 152 supporters
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Closed 18/04/2020
Iʼve raised £8,186 to Help pay for Q The Music musicians shortfall in cancelled work.
- England
- Funded on Saturday, 18th April 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hi everyone,
Thanks for even stopping by to read this.
Today, I (Warren Ringham) am asking for your help for the musicians of Q The Music. We have had all our work, contracts, theatre shows, ticket sales, everything cancelled for 3 months (minimum). For the musicians, crew & comperes of the show, this amounts to £30,000 of lost earnings for them collectively.
As it stands today, the government have again failed to offer any assistance to either a business like mine (save for loans on top of loans I already have), or more importantly right now for the self-employed musicians in the band.
Please note, I know, and we know, we are not alone in this plight. Many many people are experiencing these problems around the country and around the world...but I have to campaign on our behalf as I know so many of you have got enjoyment from seeing us over the years.
As an example, our lead singer Kerry and her husband Smiley both earn their income from gigs. Due to mass cancellations, without pay, neither have a day's work now for the next 3 months. They have no income at all. This is the same situation across most of the band.
Some important notes:
*musicians aren't "employees" of the show, they are "sub-contracted". There is no statutory sick pay for the band members.
*theatres cancel the shows, they don't pay us anything.
*if you haven't had your tickets refunded yet, by donating them to the theatre (also a worthy cause), that money does NOT come through to the band.
We desperately need your help, please....
At this stage, we aren't even asking for money to help keep the show going in the future - this isn't even about that, we'll worry about that down the line...This is about keeping food on the table for the guys and girls who work for the show, who hopefully you've had enjoyment watching when we do our shows.
Q The Music has always been about bringing joy to the Bond community. The band members have regularly worked for less money than they can get on shows elsewhere as they love the band, the show and the joy it brings. They have regularly performed at fan events for free, or even just expenses. We just love James Bond and we absolutely love doing the shows.
This is a horribly scary time for everyone right now, and any help you can give would be hugely appreciated.
All money raised in this pot will go solely to the MUSICIANS, CREW & COMPERES of Q The Music who need desperate help.
Thank you all so much for anything you can chip in, no matter how small.
Let's keep on Bonding, and hopefully Q The Music will still be here on the other side x
(for those revisiting wondering why I upped the target - it's because I wanted to set one that was achievable first and foremost. I've upped it to try and make sure everyone gets a bit more, as when you divide it up by the amount of musicians....40 of them!....)

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Warren Ringham started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Dave couchman
Apr 17, 2020
Really hope you can get through this
Paul Williams
Apr 8, 2020
Good luck & see you in the future
Apr 7, 2020
Thomas Ryan
Mar 29, 2020
Wishing you guys the very best! Here’s hoping we’ll see you all back in action soon.
Steve B
Mar 29, 2020
Hi Warren, happy to support you and the band. Looking forward to seeing you again whenever things are back to "normal".
Paul Meads
Mar 29, 2020
Lloyd Nance
Mar 27, 2020
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