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The Printworks raised £986 from 236 supporters
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Closed 08/02/2019
Iʼve raised £986 to donate to the Manchester charity Volition via our ADOPT A BEE campaign
- Manchester, UK
- Funded on Friday, 8th February 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
**All of our Queen Bees have now been adopted! They have been adopted by Joe Donlan, who has named his 'BeeMoreJude', Di and Lynn who named their Queen Bee 'The Change', Rosa Taylor who named her Queen 'BeeBee' and Mark Seal, who named his Queen 'SealyBee'.
Home to over 100,000 honey bees, The Printworks is offering a chance to adopt their very own Printworks bee in aid of Volition. For just £2 each the newly adoptive parents will be able to name their bee and have their name(s) placed on a commemorative window at Volition which is based at Manchester Cathedral.
The bee is an iconic symbol in Manchester so we wanted to give people the chance of adopting their own, whilst raising money for a special cause.
Volition Manchester is the Manchester Cathedral's volunteer programme, who help put job seekers back into work. They help create a structured pathway to support them back into work, including work-related training, mock interviews and mentoring through their award winning Employer Partnership scheme. For more details go to their website at volitioncommunity.org
There is no limit to the number of bees you wish to adopt and can be on behalf of a family member or friend. Simply donate a minimum of £2 per bee and in the comments note what you wish to name the bee, along with the name of the adoptive parent(s) if not yourself.
We also have FOUR Queen Bees up for adoption at £25 per Queen. It is first-come-first-serve for the Queens so make sure they have a well deserved name/title. As for the honey bees, I'm sure we have more than enough. So please help us raise money for Volition.
You can also download your very own Adopt A Bee Certificate

7 years ago
The Printworks
7 years agoAll of our Queen Bees have now been adopted! They have been adopted by Joe Donlan, who has named his 'BeeMoreJude', Di and Lynn who named their Queen Bee 'The Change', Rosa Taylor who named her Queen 'BeeBee' and Mark Seal, who named his Queen 'SealyBee'. There are still over 100,000 bees looking for adoptive parents!
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Dec 29, 2018
Disney the bee
Victoria Nuttall
Dec 24, 2018
Honey-Bee & Sweet Pea! Keep the bees buzzin'!!!
Pam Figgett
Dec 24, 2018
FiggysBEENeil,Pam & Lydon
Pam Figgett
Dec 24, 2018
SmiffysBEESue & Karl
Pam Figgett
Dec 24, 2018
Higson23BEEDoreen & Brian
Pam Figgett
Dec 24, 2018
TeamRaveBEERach & Dave
Pam Figgett
Dec 24, 2018
Live your life BEE freeMatty & Jenny
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