We did it!
Bill Honeywell raised £215 from 8 supporters
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Closed 24/07/2018
Iʼve raised £215 to End Polio Now. Rotary has reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent worldwide and won't stop until the disease is ended for good.
- Funded on Tuesday, 24th July 2018
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Bill Honeywell and Malcolm Baldwin, from two East Lancashire Rotary Clubs, set off on 21 May 2018 to tour Britain in a 15-year old VW Beetle, on the Purple4Polio Rotary Grand Tour. The aim was to raise awareness and funds for the End Polio Now campaign, and on 24 May, nearly 1,900 miles and 25 checkpoints later, they arrived at the finish in Halifax, after visiting iconic locations in Scotland, England and Wales. Listen to this - for every £1 you donate, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will add another £2! We're so close to eradicating Polio for good - let's help that final push!
- 7 years ago
Bill Honeywell
7 years agoI'll be writing a blog keeping everyone up to date of progress getting the car ready, planning the route, finding sponsors, and then - once the tour starts - updates on our progress. Hopefully lots of photos of the places we visit on the way. Here's the first instalment - http://www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/page.php?PgID=691328&ClubID=1150
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Adrian Rose
May 24, 2018
In memory of Adrian's father who died from polio.
May 22, 2018
Shirley Smith
May 21, 2018
Good luck with the rest of your epic adventure. Hope Penelope holds out.
Katherine Lord-Green
Apr 13, 2018
Good Luck :) KLG - Ribble FM.
Apr 13, 2018
Sponsored by Alasdair & Flora
Cathy Baker
Apr 12, 2018
Safe trip!
Mike Mcveigh
Apr 12, 2018
Bit less strenuous than your last effort, but an equally good cause. I am old enough to have known people who caught this disease, and the regular outbreaks in Britain.
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