We did it!
Steven Owens raised £1,244 from 50 supporters
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Closed 22/06/2017
Iʼve raised £1,244 to support families of those killed and injured in the Manchester Arena attack
- Manchester, United Kingdom
- Funded on Thursday, 22nd June 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Team PSN - Steve, Kate and Stuart - are running the Manchester 10k again this weekend. After hearing the devastating news about the Manchester arena attack on those 22 innocent victims they are sickened and shocked. They want to help the families of those victims and show their support for the community by running the 10K and raising money.
"It is a proud moment to run in Manchester but it will make us feel even prouder to be able to do something to help the people who were involved in the Manchester arena attack."
- 8 years ago
Steven Owens
8 years agoThank you all so much for your generous donations. We raised £1244 which is just amazing. Kate ran the half marathon and got herself a PB. She then ran the 10K with Steven both smashing it with fantastic times. A proud and emotional day and glad we did our bit for the Manchester families. Once again thank you for your support and donations.
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James Vosper
Jun 14, 2017
Well done Kate,Stuart and you fatty 👍👍👍
Stuart Heath
Jun 2, 2017
Now stop mithering me you tosser
Stacey Woodworth
May 31, 2017
Two runs in one day. You are truly inspirational Kate Kean!! X
Karen Owens
May 31, 2017
Well done son your the greatest
Kate Kean
May 31, 2017
£20 cash off Jen and Tony. Xx
Kate Kean
May 31, 2017
£20 cash off Paul, Sonia, Bea and Syd. Xx
May 30, 2017
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