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Ioana-Teodora Zglimbea raised £145 from 10 supporters


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Closed 14/10/2017

raised of £630 target by 10 supporters

    Iʼve raised £145 to Help the Romanian activists fined for the Constanta Dolphinarium protest

    Funded on Saturday, 14th October 2017

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Sambata, 26 August, trei activisti au sarit in bazinul Delfinariului din Constanta in timpul spectacolului de la ora 3 pentru a cere eliberarea lui Ni-Ni si Chen-Chen, cele doua femele delfin tinute captive acolo inca din 2010. Imediat dupa protest intreaga tara a aflat despre aceasta actiune si cel mai important, toate stirile au mentionat mesajele inscrise pe pancartele activistilor: “Ni-Ni si Chen-Chen sufera pentru distractia voastra”, “Marea e casa delfinilor” si “Close down all dolphinariums”.

    Acest protest a fost organizat pentru a arata romanilor ca aceste animale extrem de inteligente nu merita sa traiasca in conditii de carcera doar pentru a distra publicul si a face bani de pe urma lor. Deasemenea, sustinem propunerea legislativa depusa de Remus Cernea care recunoaste delfinii ca persoane non-umane. Puteti semna petitia initiata de PETA Germania care cere deputatilor romani sa voteze aceasta lege aici:

    Dupa cum stiti activistii au fost amendati cu 1500 RON de persoana pentru protestul de sambata. Daca vreti sa ii ajutati pe cei doi activisti curajosi de la Vegan in Cluj-Napoca, Raluca si Valeriu, va rog sa donati cat puteti prin aceasta pagina. Toti banii stransi vor fi trimisi Ralucai si lui Valeriu pentru a plati amenda.


    On Saturday, 26 August 2017, three activists jumped in the pool of the Constanta Dolphinarium during the 3pm show to ask for the release of Ni-Ni and Chen-Chen, the two female dolphins held captive there since 2010. Immediately after the protest, the whole of Romania learnt about this action and most importantly, all the news outlets mentioned the messages written on the activists’ signs: “Ni-Ni and Chen-Chen are suffering for your entertainment”, “The sea is the dolphins home” and “Close down all dolphinariums”.

    This protest was organised to show Romanians that these highly intelligent animals don’t deserve to live in solitary confinement to entertain the public and make money for the dolphinarium. Also, we support Remus Cernea’s draft law which recognizes dolphins as non-human persons. You can sign the petition initiated by PETA Germany which asks Romanian members of Parliament to vote for this law here:

    As you know, the activists were fined 1500 RON each for Saturday’s protest. If you would like to help the two courageous activists from Vegan in Cluj-Napoca, Raluca and Valeriu, please donate as much as you can to this page. All funds raised will be sent to Raluca and Valeriu to pay the fine.



    Ioana-Teodora Zglimbea

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      8 years ago

      Ioana-Teodora Zglimbea started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 9/13/2017 20.59



      • Kirsty Henderson

        Kirsty Henderson

        Sep 13, 2017


      • Nistru Eduard

        Nistru Eduard

        Sep 4, 2017

        Much love for these 2!


      • Tri Adr

        Tri Adr

        Sep 2, 2017


      • Anonymous


        Aug 31, 2017

      • Stefanie Pukerainbows

        Stefanie Pukerainbows

        Aug 31, 2017

      • Luminita Ratiu

        Luminita Ratiu

        Aug 30, 2017


      • Anonymous


        Aug 30, 2017

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