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vivien cantwell raised £4,184.41 from 82 supporters


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Closed 17/09/2016

raised of £5,000 target by 82 supporters

    Iʼve raised £4,184 to cover the expenses of appearing at the Park of Keir Public Inquiry to fight the housing development, fronted by Judy Murray on our Greenbelt

    Dunblane, United Kingdom
    Funded on Saturday, 17th September 2016

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    We are RAGE (Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion), a local group who have been trying to protect the greenbelt at Park of Keir from housing development for over 25 years.

    The latest application was rejected by Stirling Council in 2015. The developer is using local sporting celebrities, Judy Murray and Colin Montgomerie as "Trojan horses” to front a sports complex claiming it is of “national importance." It has forced us to go through a 3rd public enquiry.
    We need to raise £5000, the cost of hiring a advocate for 3 days.

    Park of Keir is a designed historic Greenbelt separating the two distinct communities of Bridge of Allan and Dunblane. These hills, fields and woods are highly visible and valued as an undeveloped green space.

    There is overwhelming public opposition to the proposed development of a new tennis and golf centre, 150 bed hotel and luxury housing.

    The proposal to build here is the result of chance. Judy Murray knows the landowner who has been trying to get permission to build houses on this Greenbelt for two decades. The fact that the applicants, Park of Keir Partnership, will not consider the project without the luxury houses says it all.

    There are 59 tennis courts and 19 golf clubs within 15-mile radius of Park of Keir.
    There is NO evidence of research on the need for the sporting complex and there are top class facilities just 3 miles away at the Scottish National Tennis Centre
    There is NO evidence of a demand for a golf centre.
    There is NO evidence that this sporting complex should be at this particular Greenbelt location.

    Please check more detail on our website & facebook page



    • vivien cantwell9 years ago
      vivien cantwell

      vivien cantwell

      9 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      Thanks for the donations from you all. We have raised £4184 on JustGiving. The legal expense is £10,000. There is still a shortfall of £1500 needed urgently. We started a new fundraising page. Please help to spread the words. THANK YOU.

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • vivien cantwell9 years ago
      vivien cantwell

      vivien cantwell

      9 years ago

      Many thanks to all our supporters. We've rasied over £3300 on Just Giving so far. You can catch up the first week's enquiry on . There were many interesting questions raised and it would give you a good insight view in depth about this development.

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • vivien cantwell9 years ago
      vivien cantwell

      vivien cantwell

      9 years ago

      The public enquiry is going well, but it is taking longer than we expected. Thanks for the generosities of our supporters donating online or through the bank. We've received enough money to pay the legal cost for the first 3 days. At the moment, we are raising money for the extra 3 days of legal help.

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • vivien cantwell9 years ago
      vivien cantwell

      vivien cantwell

      9 years ago

      Thanks to all our supporters. We won't be able to fight this development with your help. THANK YOU.

      Share this update to help us raise more

    9 years ago

    vivien cantwell started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 9/16/2016 06.39



    • Anonymous


      Sep 16, 2016


    • Anonymous


      Sep 15, 2016

      Keep it green...


    • Anonymous of Callander

      Anonymous of Callander

      Sep 15, 2016

      Our donations could be going to better causes than fighting developers who are only out to make a profit regardless of public feeling and logical objections.


    • Anonymous


      Sep 15, 2016


    • Anonymous


      Sep 15, 2016


    • Anonymous


      Sep 15, 2016


    • Andrew


      Sep 15, 2016

      Up against it, media interests now mobilised to control the angle of the story. Politicians will bottle it to avoid a bad headline. Real story-community puts money where mouth is to save green space.


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    About the fundraiser
    vivien cantwell

    vivien cantwell

    Dunblane, United Kingdom

    Resident of Dunblane. Member of RAGE (Resident Against Greenbelt Erosion)

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