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Munim choudhury raised £28,950.1 from 383 supporters


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Closed 31/12/2022

raised of £50,000 target by 383 supporters

    Iʼve raised £28,950 to to empower muslim families to spearhead change in our communities through our groundbreaking ecosystem of Islamic projects. #ProjectBarakah

    Funded on Saturday, 31st December 2022

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    The Work Of The Quran Institute is back and we are working harder than ever!

    We are running our successful projects and sowing seeds for new groundbreaking projects, but can we rely on your support?

    The following is an in-exhaustive list of results from ecosystem that includes The Quran Institute, Suhba Family Qiyams, Occidentology, Al-Madad Outreach and Mehron Nisa Women’s Centre.

    1. Training and education of thousands on-Campus UK wide and across the world delivering Palestine Advocacy Program as well as seminars for Occidentology at Dundee, Aberdeen, (Scotland) Saskatchewan, British Colombia, Simon Fraser University (Canada), Birmingham, University of Toronto, Mississauga by Ustadh Abdullah Al-Andalusi

    2. Mental Health & Faith Crisis Seminars in multiple universities King College, Sheffield University, Leeds University, SOAS, UCL, UEL by Muftiya Nasima and Mufti Moinul

    3. Contributed to the Mental Health Summit with MSA’s of Canada

    4. Delivered FOSIS leadership training for ISOC leaders and members.

    5. 24hrs of Fitness, Islamic Studies and Counselling offered every month for Muslims mothers and dv survivors.

    6. Public sessions spanning 20hrs open to DV sufferers, non-Muslims, those suffering from depression and faith crisis. Free food, free entry and total acceptance.

    7. Over 100hrs of Pastoral and traditional counselling, mediation and intervention for the Muslim community.

    8. Over 100hrs of free SEN education

    9. Two free online seminar during COVID to provide spiritual support and company for families.

    10. Palestine awareness program for Muslims youth delivered by Ustadh Abdullah Al-Andalusi

    11. Work spanning over a year towards training listeners for the Al-Madad Listening line and development of the technology for the IP switchboard.

    12. Quran in the Cave program for over 200 students provided for free to Muslims Schools to support children during the Covid Lockdown.

    13. Hundreds of hours of video editing done by Hamza Ibn Moinul for free so that we could launch the Quran Institute online library to help sustain the Institute long term.

    14. £33,000 of free work. Thats 3,330hrs at minimum wage of £10 of manual labour from design work, management, HR work, logistical, web designing, marketing, copywriting to hall set up, cleaning, repairs. Majority of the volunteers involved were not only unpaid, but they were also Patreon’s of some or all of the causes.

    15. Subsidised and sponsored numerous low income families, dv survivors, Muslims with faith crisis and families to learn, heal and grow at the flagship course at the Quran Institute, The Family Program.

    The previous year:

    It all began 9 years ago when Mufti Moinul and Muftiyah Nasima who were youth workers serving the community within their locality. It took them almost a decade of real life experience to realise there was a complete disconnect between the benefits of the sacred sciences and the grassroots reality.

    Dejected and disappointed, they embarked on a journey to find a way forward for the community that started with their own personal development. Since then they had achieved a rare feat of completing 2 degrees within the Islamic Sciences ('aalimiyah and iftaah) while raising 4 children, working for a living and caring for elderly parents.

    Determined to carry this load and prove that everyone has the right to knowledge; they have in the last 3 years established 4 organisations that serve over 300 people. Mufti Moinul and his wife were always adamant that their dawah and khidmah succeeds through a different way of measuring things: barakah. Specifically, giving people's life meaning in exchange for good will- for us to become more than the sum of our parts.

    At the heart of everything is the belief that we can do extraordinary things if we master the ordinary. Their lives are proof of this concept; the idea that everyone has a right to knowledge and that anyone can be extraordinary to make a difference.

    We started in a laundry room of a council flat, teaching a handful of children and have now expanded to multiple buildings, numerous staff and an ecosystem of causes.

    We are collective of families, muftis, muftiyas, huffadh, counsellors psychotherapists, clinical supervisors, academics, university lecturers and qualified school teachers. We give up almost every evening and weekend to build a spirit of giving for the common good.

    At the heart of it all, we are a cause that requires a financial model to survive and become independant as opposed to a business that plays to the status quo.

    Our Directors are: Mufti Moinul Abu Hamza (Founder), Muftiyah Nasima (Co-Founder), Dr Shuaib Ali (Director), Munim Chowdhury (Compliance Officer)

    What the funds are for?

    Here’s the unique part of our work. The donations are for running costs alone like rent and utilities and media work, that does not include the volunteers and founders who do not earn a penny for running operations. We the founders have day jobs and we contribute to this with our time and money because we believe in this work. Our managers bring expertise from their professional careers.

    This creates a highly efficient use of funds where 25k will get (in crude terms) 200k of work, and 100k will get a million’s worth Insha’Allah!

    Here are our current organisations within the ecosystem:

    1. Al Madad Outreach- muslim centric mental health (listening line), mediation, counselling, intervention

    2. The Quran Institute- to build everlasting relationships by providing a hub for young muslim families to grow together. We believe in scholarship, activism and outreach through the prism of family

    3. The Quran Academy- nurturing and discovering the future talent of this ummah through critical thinking and Quran studies

    4. Suhba Collective- providing a home away from home for restless souls whilst building bridges within the community through collective worship and social consciousness

    5. Mehron Nisa- Lack a centre run for and by young muslim mothers. A centre that combines physical and mental health, self defense and empowerment through islamic education- a refuge and outlet for young mothers.

    6. Occidentology

    This is our education and dawa work to support Muslims on university campuses. The Occidentology Department is a pioneering research initiative to study, research, (build a framework for research) and culture its attendees in the study of the Occident (‘The West‘) from an objective standpoint. It is both a course, comprising of lectures and workshop-style tutorials, and a research group.

    How else you can help

    Help promote our work as a template for families and communities in the West, make dua for us and encourage others to donate. This org has achieved so much in such a small period of time, it deserves far more support for the work put in. We need to prioritise what's actually needed in our communities instead of expanding evermore empty prayer halls.

    Here's where you come in:

    1. Raise awareness- share this video and our future posts, help us to fundraise, share on whatsapp groups

    2. Donate- especially during this holy month where your reward is multiplied!

    3. Network- we all know someone who’s wealthy, we need you to reach out to them and help us secure funding

    4. Speak to family and friends about us and benefit from the numerous projects we deliver.

    5. And finally make dua that Allah makes it all a success.

    Our successes to date

    Only by the Grace of Allah (swa), we are constantly benefitting around 350 people a month, through the four organisations that work as an ecosystem. We need funding to open our new faith crisis listening line and a women’s centre.

    Barakah is a child from the madrasah inspiring his parents to have a new lease in life and begin their Qur’an studies

    Barakah is married couples choosing to study the Deen together and then giving back to the community

    Barakah is when someone with faith crisis embark on a journey to become a student of knowledge

    Bārakallahu feekum



    • Munim choudhury1 year ago
      Munim choudhury

      Munim choudhury

      1 year ago

      Assalāmu Alaykum. Please be there for us after so many expansions you funded! We are really hoping for your support this year! We have established one of the only Islamic Women's Centres in the heart of the UK and now we're launching MULTIPLE youth services. Jzk for always being there with your duas and donations. You did more than donate, you raised the spirits of Muslims who want to strive for the Ummah of Muhammad (pbuh)! The Quran Institute Working locally, thinking globally

      Share this update to help us raise more

    3 years ago

    Munim choudhury started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 3/20/2024 00.36



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      Nov 4, 2022


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      Aya Wahidy

      Oct 28, 2022

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      Sep 6, 2022


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      Sep 2, 2022

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