We did it!
Julia Ewart Vice Chair - to Patient Participation Group Leiston Surgery raised £3,120 from 92 supporters
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Closed 31/05/2021
Iʼve raised £3,120 to collectively as patients say THANK YOU to the team at Leiston Surgery for their dedication & organisation during the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Leiston, Suffolk
- Funded on Monday, 31st May 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Dear Residents
We’re sure you’d agree that ‘Thank you’ always goes down well in life, especially when it’s hard earned and that is exactly what this note is about!
It won’t have gone unnoticed by many of you that the Leiston Surgery has been working above and beyond the norm serving its community this past year, and more recently delivering a tremendous and well organised vaccination service.
To acknowledge the Surgery Team’s hard work, at the request of patients who have asked how to say ‘thank you’ at this time, the Patient Participation Group (PPG), being a committee of patients that helps support the surgery, has put a special plan in place to collect your greetings and contributions to do just that.
On asking - ‘If through a collective gift what would the Surgery Team love to receive to acknowledge it’s hard work?’ the Surgery replied ‘If possible, to have our staff-room updated and a new ECG machine’.
The PPG wishes to support trying to achieve just that.
To enable this, from Monday 1 March until the end of May 2021 there will be ‘Thank You Stations’ around Leiston and the villages that the surgery serves for patients to drop in a note, a card or indeed a contribution – to say a hearty 'Thank You' to the Leiston Surgery and all its staff for being so outstanding at this difficult time.
If you wish to join in, or if you prefer not to, this is of course totally your choice. The PPG is just looking to help in its capacity as being a support to both the Surgery and grateful patients alike. On this occasion the PPG are looking to collect all those wonderful ‘Thanks’ on behalf of the patient community.
A local drop-in opportunity is at the Leiston Town Clerk’s Office – who are also kindly accepting envelopes marked 'PPG - Thank You Leiston Surgery' - through their letter box.
The PPG is NOT a charity, nor is it funded by the Leiston Surgery. The general basis of its funding is to receive funds, grants and donations that 100% benefit the Surgery and its community.
For administration reasons this site will be operating in advance of 1st March, 2021. Please feel free to use it today. There is NO intention to publish a list of contributors. Thank you.
![Julia Ewart Vice Chair - to Patient Participation Group Leiston Surgery](https://images.justgiving.com/image/fe69a51e-220e-4b76-86c4-2b7bb9e6b7d7.jpg?template=CrowdfundingOwnerAvatar)
Updates appear here
Julia Ewart Vice Chair - to Patient Participation Group Leiston Surgery started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Keith Cook
May 29, 2021
Thankyou for all your efforts.
May 28, 2021
no matter how busy they are, everyone at Leiston Surgery still patiently responds to calls for help. Thank You
Dale & Julie Fitch
May 27, 2021
Very grateful to you all, Thank you.
Joyce and Phil
May 25, 2021
For your selfless efforts
May 24, 2021
We so much appreciate all that has been done for us and thank you to all involved for the extra work it must have entailed.
May 23, 2021
May 20, 2021
Thanks for the organising the vaccine programme so well. Brilliant work.
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
![Julia Ewart Vice Chair - to Patient Participation Group Leiston Surgery](https://images.justgiving.com/image/fe69a51e-220e-4b76-86c4-2b7bb9e6b7d7.jpg?template=CrowdfundingOwnerAvatar)
Julia Ewart Vice Chair - to Patient Participation Group Leiston Surgery
Leiston, Suffolk
Jules Ewart is Vice Chair to the PPG at Leiston Surgery The Patient Participation Group is a voluntary committee supporting Leiston Surgery made up of patients If you wish to join the PPG - kindly get in touch with Chair Lesley Hill via the Surgery Thank you