We did it!
Heather (SirenHellVixen/ChronicHeather) raised £2,590 from 79 supporters
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Closed 22/10/2023
Iʼve raised £2,590 to buy an electric wheelchair for a chronically ill, disabled and housebound lady who lives on just £300 a month and never goes outside
- England
- Funded on Sunday, 22nd October 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
UPDATE 23rd APRIL: We did it!!! 100%!! Honestly in shock. Wouldn't have been able to hit the goal without my good friend known as Brain who co-hosted the charity stream with his good friend Pinky. Without these 2 people, I wouldn't have hit it anytime soon so thank you again to you both, and a HUGE thank you to everyone that donated, no matter the amount. You are all amazing!!
In the unlikely event there is any extra money over the asked amount, as it says at the end of the page, it will go on insurance which is very important! I didn't include it in the price as it was already a lot of money to ask for. So if you still want to help, I can get insurance cover for my wheelchair.
I am here to crowdfund an electric wheelchair. I have all the information and pricing below in categories below, as well as a price breakdown and photos of cost at the bottom. Feel free to ask me any questions on Twitter if you have any! Please share if you can as that really helps!
I am chronically ill with chronic pain, chronic fatigue and numerous other health issues that leave me disabled and housebound. I have no freedom or independence. I feel like a prisoner of this building as I can't go outside so I am stuck in here like a prisoner, and I have no money to buy things I need as I live on a tiny amount of just over £300 a month total income!
I need an electric wheelchair (also called a power chair) as I can't use a manual one due to my disability. I only ever leave house for medical appointments that I can't do over the phone, and I would love to get out once in a while instead of being stuck inside these 4 walls 24 hours a day 7 days a week, as it is very lonely and depressing. It needs to be electric as I can't push myself and it needs to be able to fold so it can get inside the house and so it can go in cars etc.
An electric wheelchair will give me freedom, independence and a life! I don't have that stuck inside these 4 walls 24/7! You will really change my life if you help me get this. A wheelchair would be massively life changing!
This is something I have wanted for many years, and I have been looking into ways to get one for over 3 years now! I have contacted every charity, grant, NHS, advice centres etc. Looked on Facebook marketplace/groups, freecycle etc. There is no way I can get one any other way. I have tried so hard and I wouldn't be asking for your help if I had any other choice!
My mental health is at an all time low due to lack of freedom and independence. Remember lockdown's during Covid? Try that but in lockdown every single day forever. That is my life. Plus having no money at all to buy anything, not even enough food, no relatives while being in extreme chronic pain, extreme chronic fatigue every second of the day. I need a wheelchair for more than just freedom. My mental health NEEDS it. I can't cope like this much longer. It has been many years now.
An electric wheelchair is the only way I can go out and therefore have any independence and freedom at all. I never see outside these walls anymore and it is lonely, depressing and has a massive impact on mental health. I don't get fresh air, see any one at all. With your help I can get a wheelchair and also some independence that I am massively lacking in! This is the only way I can have a life and do things outside of these 4 walls.
This is more than just freedom and independence though. It is improved mood & less depression from being able to go outside the front door. Less depression from being housebound if I can get on my electric wheelchair and go out. My mood is non-existent. I sit inside in the freezing cold (as the boiler is broken and has been for months) every single day depressed from being housebound and in poverty. A wheelchair brings so much more than just independence and freedom.
The house has no heating and hasn't for months as the boiler broke last year and I can't afford to replace it so I am stuck in a freezing cold house every single day in the mould and damp from the gutter being broken and needing replacing too. Black mould, freezing temps and no independence at all as I don't have a wheelchair.
Once I have hit the goal, no matter how long it takes, I will do a blog post on my blog so you can see the wheelchair and hear how I have used it! You will be able to see what your money went on!
There is no way for me to get one without crowdfunding. Utterly impossible. And here is why. All the detailed info is below as well as links, photos and detailed information with links to an about me page and a faq for the questions I get asked most on social media. It is only long as I want to cover everything, but there is a short version below.
Short Version:
I can't get one on the NHS as you can't get one for outdoor use only here (proof in the photos below), I get only PIP as I can't get ESA or UC as I don't qualify so I live on just over £300 a month income. There are no grants in this area for one free nor can I use motobility as for one, PIP is all I get so I couldn't use my only income on one! And secondly because I don't get the higher rate mobility anyway so I can't get one on that anyway, but I wouldn't use it even if I did as it is all the money I get which is how I afford food, medication and bills.
Detailed Version:
I can't get one on the NHS as you have to be able to use it inside as well which is completely impossible. I have attached proof of this in the photos from their correspondence at the bottom of this page, but you can also see this online by searching as many other areas have this same policy too. If you didn't know, the NHS is a postcode lottery as to what services you can get in each area. Just because you can get one thing in one area, doesn't mean you can in the next. You can search yourself if you need proof, or check my photo at the bottom of the page.
I have checked all grant checkers and any charities about getting a wheelchair and they said other than the NHS who won’t allow wheelchairs for outside use only, there are no ways for me to get a free electric wheelchair.
I have spent 3 years looking for a wheelchair! I’ve checked grants, NHS, charities and also checked freecycle, Facebook marketplace/groups and sites like that and there are no electric wheelchairs free or discounted. This is around 3 and 1/2 years of searching and there is no way at all I can get one.
I have no way to afford this myself. There are no grants to help me and I have no relatives alive. The only way is with help from kind strangers. I hope you can help. Anything helps as it all adds up! You can donate worldwide too!
I never leave the house other than for medical appointments I can't do over the phone and it is so lonely and depressing in here. I wish I could go out to a park as I love nature, but I can't do that without your help.
My Health:
I don't leave the house as I can't walk for or stand long, and haven't been outside for about 2 years, other than about 5 times to hospital appointments that I couldn't do over the phone. My health conditions are permanent and will only get worse over time. I can't type or talk long due to extreme pain and fatigue so I can't even have conversations with people.
I am in severe pain every second my life and extreme fatigued constantly. Even getting out of bed is very hard to do even after 11 hours of sleep as my fatigue is so severe and my pain is so severe that I am on the strongest painkillers available and they don't do much at all anymore, so I can barely move an inch!
There is nothing that can be done for my chronic illnesses. They are permanent. I was using cannabis for a few months which I had successfully crowdfunded for a few months which was massively helpful, but as it always would, the money lasted a few months and then I ran out. That is the only painkiller to help me a lot, although it still leaves me housebound, just in a lot less pain. I can't get that now so I am on Fentanyl and Morphine which barely do a thing.
I miss being able to go out. I love nature so much and the only thing I see is these 4 walls and the tip of a tree branch outside the window. That is it and it is very upsetting to be stuck inside like a prisoner constantly. I don't get fresh air at all anymore!
My Income:
I can’t work and I live on just over £300 a month total income. I struggle as it is on that little and couldn't afford anything let alone an electric wheelchair. It is not enough to live on as it is, and it is most definitely not enough to buy an electric wheelchair, ever! I also have to pay for prescriptions every month and I have all the bills everyone else has as I don't get anything free or discounted being disabled and chronically ill. My small income of just over £300 a month is all I can get and is all I have gotten for many years!
I stream games on Twitch twice a week which is very hard for me, but it is the only contact I have with the outside world and only chance I have of earning money, although I don't earn much from it. I get maximum $5 a month streaming and I can't get that until hit $100 a month, plus there are fees on top plus currency conversion fees. I have streamed over 2 & 1/2 years & still average $5 at most, a month from it.
I can't get ESA as I worked for as long as I could before being housebound, which meant that all that part time work worked against me as now I can't get ESA as I didn't pay enough national insurance working part time. Working actually penalised me as now I can't get the main disability benefit (ESA) due to working part time for a few years instead of claiming benefits!
And I can't get UC as I can't afford rent anywhere on my small income so if I didn't live here I would be homeless on the streets, BUT that means that the other persons income who lives here, is taken into account which leaves me unable to claim UC.
So all I can get is PIP which is just over £300 a month total income which is why I struggle to get by every day as it is, and why I am asking for your help to get an electric wheelchair as I couldn't afford one in a literal million years.
I have spoken to citizens advice, DWP, my MP, even parliament 3 times now and no one can help me as you must fulfil all the requirements of any benefit. Being chronically ill, disabled and housebound isn't enough. You have to fulfil other requirements too, all shown on the government website.
For anyone wondering about prescriptions as I had a few people assume you get free prescriptions if you are disabled, No you don't! You have to qualify! Please read this is you don't believe me: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/prescriptions-and-pharmacies/who-can-get-free-prescriptions/
More information on me:
I have a blog with a page that has a lot of information about me, my health and detailed information about me if you wanted to read more. It is very detailed and goes back over 3 years and a Twitter account about the same length of time. My about me page https://www.chronicheather.eu.org/about-me/
There is also a FAQ page on the same site too if you have any questions as they are most likely already answered on there! https://www.chronicheather.eu.org/faq-about-me/
Electric Wheelchairs
I can’t use a manual wheelchair as I can’t push myself due to my health so I need a power chair. It also need to fold at the touch of a button or by remote, and needs to be set up on delivery by an engineer as they come self setup, but I can't do that myself either so usually there is a small fee for them to set it up. That is included in the cost I am asking for and shown in the photos.
Proof of cost delivered:
Foldalite Trekker Folding Electric Wheelchair:
Mobility Smart - £2,409.95 Delivered and set up, 3 month warranty and 1 year parts
Lifestyle and mobility - £2,424.00 Delivered and set up with 1 year warranty
John Preston - £2,688.40 Delivered and set up with NO extra warranty

This electric wheelchair is brilliant and fits the bill perfectly! There is the cost of the engineer setting it up on top as I obviously couldn't set it up. The costs are clearly detailed below.
Here are the JustGiving fees so you can see how much will be taken. It is 2.9% plus 25p PER TRANSACTION. That is why I am asking slightly above the cost. Even asking just this little more over will NOT cover the total cost in full! That is why I am asking slightly above the cost otherwise it would not cover the cost of the wheelchair.
I am asking for £2,490 as after fees there wouldn't be enough left for the wheelchair! You can check this yourself. If I find it cheaper, I will update this post.
This is the exact same wheelchair on 2 other websites, but more expensive as you can see. The one above is the cheapest price, although it is on sale right now.

Sadly I had to remove most other wheelchairs as they aren't usable on gravel roads or grass so I couldn't even get out of the road with it. 99% of folding wheelchairs are unable to go on rough terrain, gravel or grass so I couldn't even get out of the road without it being able to go on very rough terrain.
Proof the previous wheelchairs I added (and 99% of all foldable electric wheelchairs) aren't suitable and can't go on gravel, rough surfaces or grass:

Any help is appreciated. Even a few pounds all adds up. You can donate from anywhere in the world! You don't have to be in the UK. There are also multiple platforms you can donate on, whether it be my chronic illness blog or on Twitch. Anything you donate goes straight to this cause.
I have no way to afford this myself. There are no grants to help me and I can't get one on the NHS as I can't use it inside which is a requirement of the NHS in my region and many other regions. The only way is with help from kind strangers.
I have other ways to donate too such as Vibepay or Cashapp but for that info you need to check my blog or Twitter as not sure I can post links to those on here. Just check my support me page on my blog for other links you can use to donate via. Any money donate for the wheelchair will go towards the wheelchair as I always use money for what it was given for. Even if it takes a year, any money given for the wheelchair will remain unspent until I hit the goal.
I would really appreciate your help. Any amount helps as it all adds up, even just a few pounds. You can donate once or monthly.
If you need to read more about me, you can check my about me page on my blog or my Twitter page which has lots more information going back over 3 years. I also have a about my on my streaming (sirenhellvixen) about me page.
If you can’t help, please share as sharing is free, takes seconds and can help as someone might see the post who is able to help!
This really would be such a lifeline for me and help me get out of this house for a change! I am missing out of my life whilst stuck in this house 24 hours a day. I really wish that could change and it could with your help.
If you can help then thank you so very much!
Photo from NHS wheelchair services saying that I CANNOT get an electric wheelchair for use only outside and also a photo from a NHS website stating the same.

You can search on the internet too for "NHS wheelchair outside use only" and you will get many hits from different NHS regions all over the country that will not give them for outside use only. It is impossible for me to use it inside as the house is much too small for it to even get inside without being folded up! You can also read the same on the scope website: https://www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/wheelchairs/
I really hope you can help make my life much more enjoyable and give me the freedom and independence I am missing.
If I manage to hit the goal I will make a blog post about it and link it on here and social media so you can see just how you have helped me. Just in case you are hesitant to donate. It might take a long time to hit the goal, but I can guarantee you that the money is going to the wheelchair.
I will try to crowdfund this for as long as it takes, as I’ll never be able to afford this without your help. So if it takes weeks, months or years, I’ll keep trying as I desperately need one! I hope you can help me get one sooner rather than later as my mental health is incredibly low as I am depressed from being lonely in this house 24/7.
Please share if you can! If you can or can't help, sharing is free and really helps!!
Any Questions?:
Typing is very painful and energy draining so I try to cover as much as I can in this to save typing questions. PLEASE can you make sure I haven't already answered the question here before you ask any questions as so far the questions have all been covered on this page and I had to re-type them to answer questions which causes so much pain and fatigue! I even have to go back to bed from doing it as it is that hard for me! I have covered everything on this page just in case someone asks so I don't have to type it up.
There is lots of answers to questions on my FAQ too https://www.chronicheather.eu.org/faq-about-me/ or my about me page https://www.chronicheather.eu.org/about-me/
Please share if you can!
If you can share this post on social media I would appreciate it! I am @chronicheather everywhere if you need to tag me, and my streamer name is @sirenhellvixen I don't think I will hit the goal without help from people sharing the post. If you can or can't donate, please share. Thank you so much.
If any extra money
If there is any left over money, it will go on warranty most importantly which costs extra. In the unlikely even there is still any extra money after that then I will get a waterproof cover for the wheelchair so I don't get rained on while in the wheelchair.
3 years ago
Heather (SirenHellVixen/ChronicHeather)
3 years agoJust a reminder that if there is any extra money raised, it will go on insurance which is very much needed! I didn't include it in the price as I was already asking for so much and insurance as well is a bit of a cheek I thought. So if you wish to help with insurance which isn't much, it is much appreciated.
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3 years ago
Heather (SirenHellVixen/ChronicHeather)
3 years agoWe got there!! I am shocked as I never expected to hit it before Christmas (if this year at all) Thank you all so much!! You are helping me have a new life involving the outside! Something I have missed for so long! In the unlikely event I raise more than the total before this ends, then any extra money will go on insurance as I need that too.
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3 years ago
Heather (SirenHellVixen/ChronicHeather)
3 years ago88% of the way there!! Thank you all so much for the kindness so far. I never expected to get this far. A big thanks to Pinky and Brain for hosting the stream that raised most of the money. Thank you so much.
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Heather (SirenHellVixen/ChronicHeather) started crowdfunding
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B from NY
Feb 15, 2023
Hope you are having a good day, Heather.
B from NY
Jan 15, 2023
Hope you are having a good day, Heather.
B from NY
Dec 15, 2022
Hope you are having a good day, Heather.
B from NY
Nov 15, 2022
Hope you are having a good day, Heather.
B from NY
Oct 15, 2022
Hope you are having a good day, Heather.
B from NY
Sep 15, 2022
Hope you are having a good day, Heather.
B from NY
Aug 15, 2022
Hope you are having a good day, Heather.
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Heather (SirenHellVixen/ChronicHeather)
Chronically ill, disabled and housebound lady from England who can’t work and is stuck inside due to no electric wheelchair to be able to get out and no money to be able to buy one.