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Closed 02/06/2020
Iʼve raised £0 to provide free play therapy stands at local festivals
- Shropshire, UK
- Closed on Tuesday, 2nd June 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are 'Play to Thrive', a group of Play Therapists who started an information hub for parents and professionals in Shropsire in 2017. Our aim was to create a 'pathway to play-based therapies' to find your nearest and most appropriate play therapist, and promote play-based therapies. Play to Thrive
Over the years we have hosted stands at kids festials, wellbeing festivals, and given talks for professionals - all at no cost to the public. In order to attend our chosen festivals this year, and continue to offer play tasters and parent and professional chats at local events, we need to raise some funds to cover stand fees.
We do not charge fees to run the information hub but are struggling to fund the cost of stands, so are looking to raise the needed fees in order to keep offering play therapy stands at local events.
- 5 years ago
Rebecca Coates
5 years agoHere are some of us at a previous festival
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Rebecca Coates started crowdfunding
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