We did it!
Andre Van Wyk raised £19,189.5 from 96 supporters
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Closed 11/10/2017
Iʼve raised £19,189 to directly support Peter Van Wyk and his family with their fight against ALS.
- Funded on Wednesday, 11th October 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
After learning of our son, brother, husband, father, colleague and dear friend Peter Van Wyk's diagnoses with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), we decided to embark on a fund-raising campaign in support of Peter and his immediate family's fight against this debilitating disease.
ALS, also know as Lou Gehrig's Disease and Motor Neurone Disease (MND), is a progressive disease that affects the nerve cells responsible for controlling muscle movements like chewing, walking, breathing and talking. Although the mind is not affected, gradually all muscles controlling voluntary movement are affected. At present, there is no cure for ALS, and no effective treatment to halt, or reverse the progression of the disease.
According to a case study conducted by the Motor Neuron Disease Association, the average monthly cost of care is £16,500 per month, with cases known to be as high as £28,000 per month depending on the patients requirements. That's a staggering £198,000 per annum. The quantum of the care, medication and equipment is enormous ranging from Neuro powered wheel chairs, Wheel chair adapted vehicles, Breathing support, Recline and lift chairs, Electrical beds, Electrical Hoist and lifting belts, Augmented computerised communication devices, Non FDA approved compassionate medications and Palliative nursing care both day and night.
To support their fight against ALS, all funds raised will be used towards a pro-active treatment plan and long term living expenses.
Your donations, however big or small are greatly appreciated!
Thank you from all us!
7 years ago
Andre Van Wyk
7 years agoHi Everyone. Thank you so much for the generous contributions and kind words in support of Peter & his family. Peter has clearly made a mark on the world to have such an amazing set of friends & colleagues evident in the feedback and support you've given him. Whilst he is unable to give thanks in this message himself, I can assure you he has relayed only the utmost love & gratitude for your continued support. Please take this journey with him by visiting his blog at www.filipendulous.net
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Cristina Fiombo
Aug 30, 2017
Caro Peter, ti mando un grande abbraccio con affetto!
Aug 16, 2017
From a friend of Monika, I wish you and your family all the best and keep strong.Sam
Luca Frezza
Aug 2, 2017
Caro Peter, sono con te! Un grande abbraccio!
Jul 30, 2017
Peter's Family.I met Peter in Italy for the Armani Hotel Project. It was a pleasure to work with such professional and skilled person. Experience for ever in my heart and mind.Don't give up mate
Louise Rodrigues
Jul 15, 2017
chris odonnell
Jul 12, 2017
Elliot, Nasreen & Liam.
Jul 11, 2017
Best wishes from Nasreen, Elliot & Liam.
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