We did it!
Sarah Howard raised £755 from 37 supporters
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Closed 06/05/2021
Iʼve raised £755 to help fund Woodthorpe Tenants and Residents Association (TARA) Sheffield in memory of my dad Peter Rippon Councillor for Richmond ward.
- Woodthorpe Sheffield
- Funded on Thursday, 6th May 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Woodthorpe TARA was set up as a charity to support and work for the best interests of the tenants and residents living on the Woodthorpe estate in Sheffield. Situated in the Richmond ward it is one of the most deprived communities within the ward and has high levels of isolation, mental health and poverty.
Gun and knife crime related to drugs and gang activity have recently been an issue within the neighbourhood.
The TARA runs a luncheon club, a coffee morning, knit and natter sessions and other social events. It also plays a really important role as a meeting place for the public and hosts Councillors, Police, Fire and Housing surgeries. The TARA also helps to organise other events within the community such as estate clean-ups.
A community shop also provides donations to fund events and supply essential items to those in need.
Woodthorpe TARA are also a referral agency for the local food bank. They run a holiday hunger programme to help alleviate extra pressure on families during school holidays.
My dad worked closely with the TARA, helped with organising and assisting at the lunch club and as you can see from the picture enjoyed bringing Christmas cheer in a variety of fancy dress costumes!
Donations in memory of my dad will enable activities that are vital to the community to continue.
- 4 years ago
Sarah Howard
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 4 years ago
Sarah Howard
4 years agoThank you so much for donating it really will make a massive contribution to Woodthorpe TARA ❤️ I’m going to keep the page open until Sunday 17th January just in case we can raise a bit more! ☺️ Many thanks for all your condolences for my dad....he was laid to rest yesterday on what would have been his 78th birthday.❤️
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- 4 years ago
Sarah Howard
4 years agoThank you so much for donating it really will make a massive contribution to Woodthorpe TARA ❤️ I’m going to keep the page open until Sunday 17th January just in case we can raise a bit more! ☺️ Many thanks for all your condolences for my dad....he was laid to rest yesterday on what would have been his 78th birthday.❤️
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Sarah Howard started crowdfunding
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Patrick, Ines & Liam
Jan 30, 2021
Peter was a true inspiration and a lovely man. A pleasure to have him as an uncle. Love Patrick, Ines & Liam x x
Bridget & Keith
Jan 30, 2021
Peter will be sorely missed and was a wonderful brother, lots of love. Bridget and Keith x x
Lucy Bond
Jan 21, 2021
A very fitting community project to support in Peter's memory. He was such a genuine and lovely person to work alongside.
Maxine Greaves
Jan 17, 2021
True spirit of Peter's work
Jan 14, 2021
I loved working with Peter, such a genuinely lovely guy. He really will be missed.
Jan 12, 2021
Portia Watkins
Jan 12, 2021
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Sarah Howard
Woodthorpe Sheffield
Donations in memory of my beloved dad who died on Sunday 20th December 2020 after a short illness. Much loved dad to me and my brothers Simon, Tim, Liam and a devoted grandad and great-grandad ❤❤