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Hollie Felton raised £18,765.91 from 550 supporters


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Closed 01/10/2020

raised of £25,000 target by 550 supporters

    Weʼve raised £18,765 to support musician Pete Felton with terminal cancer diagnosis, fulfil his 'Not Dead Yet' Bucket List and provide CLIC Sargent Music places!

    Solihull, West Midlands, UK
    Funded on Thursday, 1st October 2020

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    Pete Felton is a 26 year old musician from the West Midlands: he is a below the knee amputee, has beaten addiction and cancer twice, and is a rare inspirational spirit. 3 weeks after marrying he was given a terminal cancer diagnosis. This fundraiser is to support Pete and his wife with the financial consequences of the diagnosis and treatment, as well as to complete his ‘Not Dead Yet Bucket List’ of things to do/see/experience before his health deteriorates to a stage where he is unable. The full story is below…


    Two years ago, at only 24 years old, Pete was told by specialists that the pain he had walking was due to a large tumour in the arch of his left foot. Diagnosed as the rare and aggressive Synovial Sarcoma, within a few weeks, in July 2017, he had his left leg amputated a few inches below the knee. Once recovered, he had to relearn to walk using a prosthesis and adjust to life as an amputee and all that that entails.

    Instead of going to pieces or turning back to drugs (which he had previously had issues with but was by then in abstinence-based recovery), he picked up his guitar and started writing again. He used music to express how he was feeling to those around him and over 70,000 people watched his video recording of ‘Hollow’ online. He released this song as part of an EP on his 6 month ‘ampu-versary’ to raise money for Sarcoma UK, Teenage Cancer Trust and Changes UK.

    Watch Pete's original 'Hollow' video here

    He was unable to return to his previous work of rigging, so given determination by his own experiences, Pete took the chance and became self-employed as a full-time musician: busking, playing gigs and events. He recorded and released more of his own music, spent the summer building his performance busking in the streets of Birmingham and Stratford-upon-Avon, spent time decorating his flat and even got engaged to his now wife who had relocated from Belfast to be with him.

    He was asked to appear on the first episode of All Together Now (broadcast Mar 2019), performing for the first time without his guitar. What the audience and judges weren’t aware of, is that an hour before going on stage, Pete had the phone call from his Oncology team to tell him his cancer had returned and he would require lung surgery. Advised that the surgery could affect his lung capacity and there was a risk to his vocal chords, Pete made the decision to go ahead with the performance, knowing that it may be the last time that he could. He also took part in their BBC 3 short documentary focused on how music has helped him cope with his cancer and amputation. Watch the BBC documentary here

    A few weeks later, in November 2018, he had part of his left lung removed to get rid of the 2 tumours, later diagnosed as Synovial Sarcoma, the same cancer that had been in his foot. Three months later his routine checks came back as no signs of cancer, but he was very aware that this type of sarcoma is little understood, difficult to cure and high risk of reoccurrence.

    Pete tried to get on with life, busking regularly, playing in bars and restaurants and recording. He was booked for his first festival and was planning his wedding. There was a further cancer scare shortly after this, where doctors believed they had found a tumour in his brain following an MRI, however only the week before his wedding this was confirmed to be a flaw on the scanner.

    In May 2019, Pete married his fiancé, Hollie, in an intimate outdoor ceremony amidst the remnants of Weoley Castle Ruins, surrounded by the family and friends who had supported him through the hard times. The day was beautiful and their happiness shines through in their photos. Pete played his first festival booking on his return from honeymoon and his calendar was filled with bookings and a plan for a summer of busking, his busiest time of year.

    Then came the phone call. The scan which he had a few days before the wedding had shown that the cancer had again returned and the prognosis was poor. There were tumours throughout both lungs, in the lung lining and signs of cancer throughout his abdomen including the lymph nodes under collarbone, armpit, around diaphragm, lungs and heart.

    It was again the same Synovial Sarcoma and it was terminal; it was inoperable and no treatment would cure him. They could feel their world crumbling around them.

    After discussing options with his Oncology team, it was decided to attempt a round of Chemotherapy to try to slow down the growth and spread of the cancer. It is difficult for doctors to gauge a timeline as there is so little information on Synovial Sarcoma, but advised that the average for the limited amount of cases is 1-2 years if the chemotherapy is successful, and substantially less if it is not.

    A barrage of tests and scans followed in preparation. Being 26 years old and newly married, it was important to the couple to also store sperm ahead of the treatment. Pete made the decision to keep one of his bookings for the weekend before the planned start date of chemotherapy and invited all his family and friends, knowing that this could be the last gig he would play. Following on from respiratory symptoms, during a scan it was discovered that his left lung had filled with fluid. In a rush to clear it before starting his treatment, Pete was forced to cancel his last gig and admitted to hospital to have 1.3l of fluid drained.

    On 2nd July 2019, Pete commenced his Chemotherapy. As I write this (same day) he is awaiting the onset of the side effects and hopeful that he will be able to tolerate the treatment. If he can tolerate it, he will have all tests repeated after 9 weeks to ascertain if it has slowed down the spread and determine whether we continue with treatment.


    Pete, not being one to let cancer beat him down, is determined to make the most out of every day he has left. He has made a so-called ‘bucket list’ of things he wants to do/see/experience while he is still able. The list includes simple things such as ‘try a sensory deprivation tank’, ‘fly birds of prey’ and the more adventurous ‘visit New Zealand and Australia’ (full list below). Of course, there is a cost involved with completing most of the items.

    Unfortunately, as well as the obvious emotional toll that this news continues to take on the couple and their families, there are practical consequences. With the treatment plan and prognosis, Pete has had to cancel the majority of his bookings and busking plans for the foreseeable. Being the busiest time of the year for a self-employed musician, this has resulted in a major loss of income. His summer income was going to help pay off wedding costs, pay the normal household bills and some set aside toward the rest of the year’s bills. His wife, having been on sickness absence since this recent prognosis, made the decision to resign from work in order to care for him during his treatment and spend as much time together as they can in the coming months.


    Six weeks ago I married the most amazing soul I’ve ever met, and we started out on the next part of our journey. It was the most perfect day and our hearts were full. Now we face our story being cut short.

    Life is not fair for anyone, we all understand that, but after all that Pete has already endured, and conquered, I cannot help but feel what is happening to him is like someone stamping on a butterfly… He is a beautiful spirit, a kind heart, with a soul of stardust.

    We won’t be able to cure his cancer, but we can help him live the life he has left… Thank you to all of you taking the time to read Pete’s story and massive thank you to anyone who chooses to contribute to this fundraiser – each and every one of you are amazing!

    As well as keeping this page up to date with progress, Pete and I will try to document both this new cancer journey, the challenges and completing his bucket list on our new Instagram page: @ndybucketlist

    Should you wish to get in touch with us directly you can also contact by email:

    Love to you all, Hollie Felton x


    The money raised from this fundraiser will be used as follows:

    1. Paying for tickets, travel and experiences to complete Pete’s ‘Not Dead Yet Bucket List’ .

    2. Unexpected and/or increased bills associated with diagnosis and treatment.

    3. Donation to fund places for young people with cancer on the CLIC Sargent Music Service.

    Should there be money raised in excess of what will cover the above, or if Pete’s health deteriorates too fast to complete his ‘Bucket List’, the money may be used in future to support IVF treatment for his wife after his passing.


    All items will be subject to his health and ability at the time and so more than a few may not be feasible when the time comes.

    1. Camp overnight in a haunted house.

    2. Spent a weekend on a barge.

    3. Fly birds of prey.

    4. Plant a tree with wife.

    5. Get back on a unicycle.

    6. Record all my original songs.

    7. Have a picnic by a river.

    8. Record a number of cover songs.

    9. Go indoor rock climbing.

    10. Visit Cadbury World.

    11. Visit N.Ireland north coast and Giant’s Causeway.

    12. Stay in a treehouse.

    13. Session in a sensory deprivation tank.

    14. Wife finish reading me The Lord of the Rings.

    15. Get matching tattoo with wife.

    16. Ride horses along a beach or wood.

    17. See the Northern Lights.

    18. Do busking trip along south coast.

    19. See the sunrise from Stonehenge at Summer Solstice. - COMPLETED

    20. Store sperm for after chemotherapy/after pass.

    21. Day out at the zoo.

    22. Do a meditation retreat.

    23. Visit Blue Lagoon in Iceland.

    24. Carve initials into a tree.

    25. Go back to where had honeymoon, Galgorm Spa.

    26. Go to Sea Life centre where had first date.

    27. Visit cousin in Colorado (if unlikely to make his wedding Jun 20).

    28. Make friendship bracelets with wife.

    29. Go to a concert with my dad.

    30. Visit and tour New Zealand and Australia.

    31. Make playlist of favourite songs for wife.

    32. Return to play slot at Dubs In The Middle Festival 2020.

    33. Visit Warwick Castle.

    34. Be able to sit on own porch overlooking wildflower garden.

    35. Visit an observatory / go stargazing.



    • Hollie Felton5 years ago
      Hollie Felton

      Hollie Felton

      5 years ago

      We've been documenting everything on our social media: @ndybucketlist (facebook & insta), so give us a follow there to keep up to speed 😊 In summary, Pete's chemotherapy made him very ill and spent a lot of time in hospital. The results were that despite that, it was unsuccessful, with the cancer growing at the same fast rate. 💔 So we have concentrated on quality family time and been knocking items off the Bucket List! We have been to Iceland, N.Ireland, Bali, New Zealand and currently in Australia. We're still fighting ❤❤❤

      Update from the Page owner

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    • Hollie Felton5 years ago
      Hollie Felton

      Hollie Felton

      5 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      Eeaak!! 😮 Super big thank yous to every single person who has donated... we have hit 60% of the 25k target!! ❤🎉🎈🙏

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Hollie Felton5 years ago
      Hollie Felton

      Hollie Felton

      5 years ago

      We are very happy to announce that a portion of our fundraising will be funding places on CLIC Sargent's Music Service, using music to support young people experiencing cancer! 🎶😁 So continue to share the page if you can and help us reach the target 😊 Much love xx

      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    5 years ago

    Hollie Felton started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 4/30/2020 22.03



    • Vikki Cox

      Vikki Cox

      Apr 30, 2020

      From Uncle Steve, Auntie Margot and Great Auntie Dot, to continue Pete's adventure


    • Anonymous


      Apr 16, 2020


    • Anonymous


      Mar 10, 2020


    • Helen


      Mar 9, 2020

    • Anita Harris

      Anita Harris

      Mar 6, 2020

      With all my love xxxx


    • Elizabeth Kane

      Elizabeth Kane

      Mar 2, 2020

      Hollie, keep smiling through your pain love and make Pete proud! All my love at this very saddest of times.


    • Anonymous


      Feb 14, 2020

      Just sold a small item on eBay and don't really need the dosh..... maybe others could fo the same?


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    About Crowdfunding
    About the fundraiser
    Hollie Felton

    Hollie Felton

    Solihull, West Midlands, UK

    I am raising funds to help my husband complete his 'bucket list'. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer at the age of 26, only a few weeks after we married. I want to make sure he can 'live' the remainder of his life as much as possible!

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