We did it!
Pepino Deli raised £1,040 from 29 supporters
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Closed 29/04/2021
Iʼve raised £1,040 to provide food and care packages to vulnerable and isolated households in Glossop and High Peak
- Glossop
- Funded on Thursday, 29th April 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
The current Covid-19 restrictions are a necessary step in containing the virus but also increase the risk of vulnerable and isolated households becoming more marginalised and unable to access healthy food and essentials.
Glossop has a wonderful community spirit and with your help we can assemble and distribute food and supply packages to the people who need it most- families who are shielding, the elderly, single parents, those isolated from their support networks, those with disabilities and/or mobility problems and anyone who would benefit from some support at this time.
Your donations will be matched by our business contributions and will go towards establishing a permanent outreach service for local households with a strong focus on health and nutrition.
As we enter a second year of this pandemic, we are most likely tired, frustrated and often confused as to what we are supposed to think, where to go, and who to trust. Please spread the word of this campaign so we can get the support to the right places.
Choose love, not fear
Pepino Deli
- 4 years ago
Pepino Deli
4 years agoWe’re nearly there! Thank you to everyone who has donated to this campaign. It has made a huge difference to peoples lives over the past month or so. Bags are taken every day and we have also been able to make a few deliveries. We have seen first hand that this new year lockdown is taking its toll on people and a little help can make all the difference. The work doesn’t stop once we have met our total. We plan to keep an outreach programme in the High Peak for vulnerable households in conjunction with other support services. Xx
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- 4 years ago
Pepino Deli
4 years agoWe’re nearly there! Thank you to everyone who has donated to this campaign. It has made a huge difference to peoples lives over the past month or so. Bags are taken every day and we have also been able to make a few deliveries. We have seen first hand that this new year lockdown is taking its toll on people and a little help can make all the difference. The work doesn’t stop once we have met our total. We plan to keep an outreach programme in the High Peak for vulnerable households in conjunction with other support services. Xx
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- 4 years ago
Pepino Deli
4 years agoWe are nearly at our total in fewer than 4 weeks of campaigning. It is amazing but not surprising given the generosity and solidarity in this community. Since the start of fundraising we have been able to provide a weekly delivery to the Hadfield Coming Together group and a continuous supply of food boxes outside our shop on Henry Street. An average of 5/6 boxes are taken each day for struggling families and households. We are making new connections every day and hopefully strengthening our community- through this pandemic and beyond PD X
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Pepino Deli started crowdfunding
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Feb 13, 2021
I took a bag thinking it was food for anyone which would otherwise go to waste - I now realise that wasn't the case, so I'm making a donation to cover the bag and hopefully a few more.
Em Clarke
Feb 3, 2021
A great cause for the community from a wonderful business! Thanks for all you do
Elisabeth Martin
Feb 1, 2021
I think what you guys are doing is awesome! We love your cafe and shop and hope we can come back in soon!
Jan 28, 2021
Amazing work!
Mary Tully
Jan 18, 2021
Really thoughtful idea
Helen Varey
Jan 15, 2021
Thank you for doing this.
Jan 15, 2021
Such a thoughtful idea - thank you for organising this.
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Pepino Deli
Plant based kitchen, deli and coffeehouse in Glossop, High Peak. Community outreach service.