We did it!
People's Kitchen Belfast raised £265 from 8 supporters
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Closed 18/08/2021
Iʼve raised £265 to help the People's Kitchen Belfast support those who are homeless and experiencing poverty
- Funded on Wednesday, 18th August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Every week we provide support to over 1000 of the most marginalised and vulnerable people in Belfast.
The People’s Kitchen Belfast based at Farset International provide support and aid to those who are homeless and experiencing poverty. Formerly St Patricks Soup Kitchen the People’s Kitchen is responding to the need across the City 7 days a week.
We have seen an increase in families and individuals who are experiencing hardship and our service is there to respond to those in need. As well as our base at Farset the team also provide support to those on the street through outreach and the homeless connection hub at Writers Square every Friday and Saturday between 7pm & 8pm.
Support includes benefit/housing advice, hot food, food parcels, clothes, responding to fuel poverty, outreach, and mentoring. Thank you to everyone for their support and feel free to contact us on 07783 376664 or email hello@peopleskitchenbelfast.org
Let’s work together to support those in most need!
Updates appear here
People's Kitchen Belfast started crowdfunding
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Jul 4, 2021
Apr 26, 2021
Apr 25, 2021
Apr 23, 2021
Thank you to the team for your fabulous work!
Apr 22, 2021
Apr 21, 2021
Thanks for all you do to help the homeless
Brendan M
Apr 21, 2021
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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