We did it!
Lisa Hunter raised £283.2 from 16 supporters
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Closed 25/02/2021
Iʼve raised £283 to Eradicate polio from the world
- Funded on Thursday, 25th February 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
1240 Peas... to be eaten with a cocktail stick!
Did you know that 1240 miles is the length of the border between the last two polio endemic countries of the world: Afghanistan & Pakistan?
That's why "brave" members of Maidenhead Bridge Rotary are organising a unique challenge to eat 1240 peas in a bid to raise money for the End Polio Now Rotary campaign.
How quickly can members consume 1240 peas using just a cocktail stick? Who will win fastest pea-eater of all time?
Go on sponsor us 1p a pea to rid the world of Polio!
Updates appear here
Lisa Hunter started crowdfunding
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Dec 13, 2020
Well done Nisha and the rest of the Maidenhead Bridge team - here's my 1p per pea!
Nov 29, 2020
Hilary Collins
Nov 23, 2020
Donated for gille’s part in the P 4 Polio Challenge
Nas Parkes
Nov 23, 2020
Hi Lisa, Great idea to raise money for this vital cause and a lot of fun watching everyone eat so many peas. Thanks for sorting this out with the club.
Nov 20, 2020
So I can see Victoria do this!!
Alan Dupre aka 'Dupes' - the Rotaract mug man
Nov 19, 2020
Good luck and well done to all the Pea Pals at Maidenhead bridge Rotary Hope my 2p per pea helps towards this great cause
Nov 19, 2020
Well done Gille. Doing a grand job. We so proud oid if you.
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