We did it!
Chris deignan raised £710 from 28 supporters
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Closed 30/05/2022
Iʼve raised £710 to The charity Cerebra dedicated to helping families with children with brain conditions
- Funded on Monday, 30th May 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Swifty from PCB Radio
I will be riding a pushbike no electric bikes will be used . the whole distance of the The A38, parts of which are known as Devon Expressway.
The org route was the whole A38 which is 292 miles , but after some personal experiences on stretches of the road, it was deemed to dangerous to cycle on them stages , so I'll be riding along the NCR [national cycle routes] for the best & safest way .
The ride will start at 10/30am On Friday 20/05/2022 from Mansfield train St in Nottinghamshire to finish three days later Bodmin in Cornwall.
Target will be over 100miles per day
Day one Friday 20th May 2022 - Mansfield to Worcester .
[ Via National Route 52 ] 101 miles
Day Two Saturday - Home Worcester to North Petherton.
[ Via National Cycle Rte 41 ] 121 miles
Day Three - North Petherton to Bodmin .
[ Via A30 ] 110 miles
Now the TOTAL is 332 miles
With Badly damaged legs & severe Helicobacter pylori , alongside regular hypoglycemic attacks. These have left me with severe disabilities . My leg will lock up solid for 15/20 minutes nothing i can do but ive had some bad crazy accidents because of it .
All info is here about the ride
All proceeds from the ride-out is going to - https://cerebra.org.uk/
Cerebra . What We Do
We’re the national charity dedicated to helping children with brain conditions and their families discover a better life together. Listening to the needs of these families helps us inspire the most helpful research and innovation.
Our aim is to provide the best research-driven, high-quality health, legal, financial and social care advice for children with brain conditions and their families. We help them put that knowledge into practice through practical advice and support.
Just got my sign all sorted for the back of my bike "Clyde"
If you do see me & Clyde .
If at all posable come speak to me or if you can take a image you will receive some PCB radio gifts
For every photograph sent or taken with me I'll put £5 into the event
Updates appear here
Chris deignan started crowdfunding
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Man in van with daughter
May 30, 2022
for pizza & lift
David Ainslie
May 30, 2022
David Foreman
May 29, 2022
great work
Sarah Belt
May 29, 2022
Well done
May 28, 2022
Good luck xx
David foreman
May 28, 2022
Well done ..
Welsh weed head
May 27, 2022
Nice one mate. 👍💪👍💪
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Chris deignan
My reasons behind setting the charity rides up is because my sister Margaret Is totally paralysed and can’t do anything for herself . So I want to do things for kids who are severely disabled . Charities that are not Government funded.