We did it!
Patrick Ronan raised £2,107.14 from 52 supporters
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Closed 08/07/2017
Iʼve raised £2,107 to To fundraise for our two charities, Samburu Trust, Kenya, and Shepard of Hills Children's foundation, Philippines
- Funded on Saturday, 8th July 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Two mates cycling 2,300km to Peligoni, Greece, carrying our lives in two bags. We aim to cover 100km a day before making camp. We will be venturing through the foreign lands of France, Switzerland, Italy and the Greek islands before finishing at the Peligoni Club, Zakinthos.
We are raising money for two great causes close to our hearts, which we have both had first hand experiences with:
Patrick is cycling for the 'Samburu Trust',
The Samburu Trust is helping those troubled by the drought which has reached the point where it really is a fight for survival now.
Everyone and everything is thirsty. There is no grass for their livestock causing them to die in large numbers.
They are also fighting to prevent poaching, with their highly trained rangers, patrolling night and day to prevent poachers killing endangered animals like Rhinos, Elephants and Lions, all for money.
They also work to prevent tribal wars in the region of Laikipia as well as educating the Samburu children.
I have had first hand experience of this as i worked for the family that runs the trust and can therefore guarantee the money will be going straight to aiding those in need.
Freddie is cycling for the 'Shepherd of the Hills',
The Shepherd of the hills is children's foundation in the Philippines which focuses on children who are in need, who are mostly Orphans. I volunteered for 6 weeks at this orphanage, where I laboured alongside the hardworking children.
After living with the children and developing friendships with them, I could appreciate the importance of the support they have received from SOTH. From being taken in after abandonment, they are brought up until they are ready to stand on their own two feet.
The reason we have set up a crowdfunding page is because our charities do not have a same fundraising pages. You will be happy to know the money that has been donated will go straight to the charity, not to paying for our trip.
Updates appear here
Patrick Ronan started crowdfunding
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Barney Carr
Jul 8, 2017
Jack Staley
Jul 7, 2017
top effort lads x
Ibrahim Akhtar
Jul 7, 2017
Great stuff Tucks, really well done x
Ellie Pilgrim
Jul 6, 2017
Very proud, well done boys xxxx
Edmund Parker
Jul 6, 2017
Nicely done lads x
Jake Figg
Jul 6, 2017
Well done old chap, absolutely smashed it x
Toby Sykes
Jul 5, 2017
Good effort Fred
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