We did it!
Graeme Lawrie raised £5,044.34 from 54 supporters
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Closed 23/05/2020
Iʼve raised £5,044 to support the vulnerable during the Corona Virus Outbreak. Schools and Food banks. Funds so far have raised 8800 food packages.
- Cobham
- Funded on Saturday, 23rd May 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
During these difficult times there are many individuals struggling with basic needs. Schools are closed and parents are at home with their children. Many parents who cannot work from home may find themselves in very difficult circumstances. We would like to bolster the income of children in our partnership group of schools who are on free school meals during this difficult time.
Our first £5000 has enabled us to offer 9359 food packages to vulnerable children, so we thought we would create a new target of 10,000 to see if we can double that number over the next few weeks.
- 5 years ago
Graeme Lawrie
5 years agoWe reached our target - Thank you. The money is doing so much for the vulnerable children around us that we have extended our target to 10,000. Every £1000 we get we will draw down and make another donation to a worthwhile cause to give children the opportunity to learn that they deserve. Thank you to everyone that has donated so far. A total of 8800 nutritious meals have been donated already. Lets see if we can keep the ball rolling a little longer.
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- 5 years ago
Graeme Lawrie
5 years agoHello everyone. A quick update. We cashed in our fundraising today and in partnership with a charity called 'MagicBreakfasts.com' I am thrilled to say that today we have funded 7407 vulnerable children to have a package delivered with much needed food items. These will go out to schools in our region and where parents cannot get to the schools to pickup the packages they will be delivered to their doors. Thank you for all your donations - we could not have done it without you. Graeme
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- 5 years ago
Graeme Lawrie
5 years agoWe have reached the half way mark on our fundraising - thank you to everyone. We will leave this open for one more week and then we will be using your donations for those in need. Keep an eye on our Twitter account to see updates. @ACSPartnerships.
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Graeme Lawrie started crowdfunding
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May 12, 2020
Gobel family
May 12, 2020
Amazing work!
May 4, 2020
Good luck with this great work
Chris Vertannes
Apr 29, 2020
Great work Graeme and the team at ACS, such a worthwhile cause too.
Apr 29, 2020
Just one of your linked member showing support, way to go Graeme.
Grade 11
Apr 27, 2020
Angela Bos
Apr 27, 2020
ACS Egham Grade 6 Donation
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Graeme Lawrie
Graeme Lawrie is the Partnership Director at ACS International Schools in Surrey, Runneymede and Hillingdon.