We did it!
Mr Lyracyst raised £311.68 from 32 supporters
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Closed 08/09/2021
Iʼve raised £311 to HELP OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN PALESTINE!! URGENT APPEAL! Building water wells, homes and delivering food parcels to families.
- Funded on Wednesday, 8th September 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Asalamu’alaikum, Palestine has been going through a lot over the years; constantly going through oppression. Their homes, livelihood and even Masjid’al’Aqsa being taken away from them.
Innocent Muslims (our brothers and sisters) are being killed and terrorised in their own country. It is our job as an Ummah to get together and help as much as we can.
I am raising money to build water wells in Palestine alongside homes and a mosque if insha’allah we raise enough money! Please donate generously. This could be any of us in their position. We need to be grateful and thankful to Allah swt and help other countries/people if we have the means to.
If you cannot donate then please share this page. Spread awareness. May Allah swt bless you all and reward you all for helping our bothers and sisters!
- 4 years ago
Mr Lyracyst
4 years agoMay Allah reward every single one of you endlessly! With your help and generosity; we have raised over £300! Please don’t forget, our brothers and sisters are still suffering in Palestine. Spread as much awareness as you can and keep donating to causes like this! Jazakallah khair!
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- 4 years ago
Mr Lyracyst
4 years ago£53 away from £300! May Allah bless you all and reward you guys for your generosity. #FreePalestine We all see the calamity going on in Palestine. Please share this page and lets get closer to our goal of £10,000 i KNOW we can do it. Thank you guys so much for the donations so far. Please share this page with your family and friends. Jazakallah’oKhair.
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Mr Lyracyst started crowdfunding
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