We did it!
Brian Kingston raised £130 from 7 supporters
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Closed 05/02/2019
Iʼve raised £130 to help restore the (currently overgrown) cinder running track at Paisley Park Sportspex, West Circular Road, Belfast, as a community facility
- Funded on Tuesday, 5th February 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
The cinder running track at Paisley Park fell into disrepair around 30 years ago and is now heavily overgrown. The Paisley Park Board wishes to restore this to use, with associated works including lighting. Some funding has been secured from Belfast City Council, with match funding being sought from the Department for Communities, but there will still be a shortfall.
Albertville Harriers & Athletics Club has agreed to base themselves at Paisley Park if the track is restored. The track will also be available for use by other sports clubs, schools and the general public. All donations will become part of the community contribution from Albertville Harriers towards these works.
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Brian Kingston started crowdfunding
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Stuart Campbell
Nov 20, 2018
Good work Brian
Sam Millar
Nov 4, 2018
Saw a picture of the current state of the track - can't believe the condition it is now in. Rang regularly on that track in the early to late 60's for Albert Foundry Athletic club. So sad to see.
Agnes Close
Nov 4, 2018
Well done Brian
Jennifer Hamilton
Nov 4, 2018
Good luck Brian!
Richard Hamilton
Nov 4, 2018
Good luck for tomorrow
Oct 12, 2018
Good luck. Hope you reach your target. Willie, Annette & Mya
Brian Kingston
Oct 12, 2018
Many thanks to all who have also made cash donations in support of this cause
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